
CIPS CIPS Level 3 Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations L3M1

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Exam Code:L3M1

Exam Name:Procurement and Supply Environments

Q&A:98 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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ExamGood L3M1 Exam Features
Procurement and Supply Environments (L3M1)

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to identify the range of environments in which procurement and supply is expected to operate and the external factors that canimpact on overall success.

Module aim(s)

Procurement and supply is to operate in a varied range of environments. As well as the public and private sectors, those responsible for the procurement and supply function mayfind themselves working with those in not-for-profit organisations. This module is designed for those who are involved in the procurement and supply function, who must recognise the wider environment in which they work and the impacts that different types of organisations can have on successfully meeting with overall organisational needs. They must know the importance of the external environment and also identify the procedures that regulate procurement and supply.

Learning outcomes

1.0 Know the different sectors of procurement and supply
1.1 Define the different types and functions of the private sector
Definitions and different types of private sector organisations – sole traders, partnerships, registered companies, incorporated and unincorporated companies, SME, multinational corporations
The size and scope of the private sector in different economies
Functions of private sector organisations such as profit, growth, market share, share price, other financial measures, corporate and social responsibility
1.2 Describe the role and scope of procurement and supply in the private sector
Sole trade, partnerships, registered companies, incorporated and unincorporated companies
Small and medium sized organisations (SMEs)
Multinational organisations
The roles of procurement and supply in the private sector
1.3 Describe the role and scope of procurement and supply in the public sector
Defining the public sector
Central and local government
The functions of public sector organisations
The roles of procurement and supply in the public sector
Commissioning and procurement
Achieving budget savings and other sources of added value
Providing access to services
Regulating organisations and individuals
1.4 Describe the role and scope of procurement and supply in the not-for-profit and third sector
Defining the not-for-profit and third sector
Public accountability for the not-for-profit and third sector
Define the role of procurement and supply in the not-for-profit and third sector
2.0 Understand types of pricing arrangements in commercial agreements
2.1 Explain how pricing arrangements are used in commercial agreements to ensure effective price and cost management
Pricing schedules
Fixed pricing arrangements
Cost plus and cost reimbursable pricing arrangements
Indexation and price adjustment formulae
Incentivised gain share pricing
Payment terms
The use of open book costing and adjustments
3.0 Know the external environment and its impact on procurement and supply
3.1 Identify the impact of the external environment on procurement and supply
The use of environmental scanning
The use of PEST (political, economic, social and technological) criteria or STEEPLED (social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legislation, ethical and demographic) criteria that impacts on organisations’ external environment
The five forces model
Competitive market forces
Demand and supply
Market factors
Product life cycles
3.2 Describe how the implications of economic criteria impact on procurement and supply
Macro-economic criteria such as interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, level of economic activity (GDP/ GNP) that impacts on organisations
Micro-economic criteria such as demand and supply that impacts on organisations
3.3 Describe how the implications of political and legislative criteria that impact on procurement and supply
Political criteria such as stability and instability that impacts on organisations, different economic sectors and on countries
Legislation that impacts on organisations such as on standards, health and safety, environmental standards and employment law
3.4 Describe how the implications of environmental and ethical criteria impact on procurement and supply
Environmental criteria such as natural risks, waste emissions, pollution and energy efficiency that impact on organisations
Ethical and social criteria such as ethical codes, employment rights, community benefits, working conditions and standards that impact on organisations
3.5 Describe how the implications of social criteria impact on procurement and supply
Changing societal preferences, tastes and fashions, demographics, labour and fair-trade standards and how these can impact on organisations
Corporate social responsibility
4.0 Understand procedures that regulate procurement and supply
4.1 Describe the types of documentation used in procurement and supply
Delivery notes
Other documents typically used in procurement and supply
4.2 Explain how documented policies and procedures are used within procurement and supply
The responsibilities for procurement
Regulations relating to competition
Levels of delegated authority
Responsibilities for the stages of the sourcing process
Responsibilities for ensuring invoice clearance and payment
Responsibilities for ensuring that requisitions, orders and invoices are clear and correct and clarify requirements for stakeholders
Corporate governance

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