
CIPS CIPS Certifications L4M7

Product Description

Exam Code:L4M7

Exam Name:Whole-life Assets Management

Q&A:232 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for the CIPS Certifications L4M7 Exam with ExamGood's dedicated study materials. Elevate your skills in Whole-life Assets Management and confidently pursue professional success in assets management.

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ExamGood L4M7 Exam Features

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to explain methods of inventory management, inventory analysis and the concept of whole-life asset management cost, from idea through to disposal.

Module aim(s)

Whole-life asset management takes into account the total cost of a product or service, from idea through to disposal including purchase, hire or lease, maintenance, operation, utilities, training and disposal. It is important for those involved in procurement and supply to take these elements into consideration when assessing options of buying, renting or leasing equipment. Although costly, there are a range of factors organisations assess to determine the approach to inventory, and the management and control of inventory is an important driver for organisational success. This module is designed for those with responsibility for the whole-life management of assets and enables learners to analyse methods for inventory movement and control and to consider the concept of whole-life asset cost.

Next steps

Starting a CIPS qualification programme means you will join the largest institute in the world for those working in procurement and supply.

Learning outcomes, assessment criteria and indicative content

1.0 Understand methods for the storage and movement of inventory
2.0 Understand the key elements of effective inventory control
3.0 Understand the concept of whole-life costing

Whole Life Asset Management (L4M7) Learning Material  

ExamGood offers CIPS Certifications L4M7: Whole-life Assets Management Questions with a range of convenient features. Upon successful purchase, you can instantly download the materials without any waiting time. The package includes both PDF and software versions, catering to different preferences. The PDF version allows for easy printing, while the software version can be used on any device without restrictions.
In addition, ExamGood provides free updates for one year, ensuring that you have access to the most up-to-date content. For an additional fee of $10, you can extend the update period to two years, giving you even more value for your investment.
Furthermore, ExamGood offers a guarantee in case you do not pass the exam. Simply provide your score sheet, and you will receive an immediate refund.
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