
CIPS CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply L4M8

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Exam Code:L4M8

Exam Name:Procurement and Supply in Practice

Q&A:192 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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ExamGood L4M8 Exam Features

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to demonstrate the practical application of the procurement cycle in an integrated manner, within a workplace context. This module is designed as a summary module, drawing on the knowledge and skills developed in M1 to M7 and applying these in a work context.

Module aim(s)

Procurement is the business function that ensures identification, sourcing, access and management of external resources that an organisation needs or may need to successfully fulfil its strategic objectives. It exists to explore supply market opportunities and to implement resourcing strategies that deliver the best possible supply outcomes to the organisation, its stakeholders and customers. In today’s volatile global trading environments, it is not enough for procurement and supply professionals to simply know the theory behind their profession; they must also be in a position to confidently and effectively apply that knowledge to the benefit of the whole organisation, its stakeholders and customers. This module is designed to test the practical application of procurement and supply concepts and ideas within the practical environments in which professionals are expected to perform.

Learning outcomes, assessment criteria and indicative content

1.0 Demonstrate the application of the procurement cycle
1.1 Apply the stages of the procurement cycle to the practical procurement and supply contexts
1.1.1The holistic application of the CIPS Procurement Cycle
1.1.2The benefits and limitations of structured procurement processes
1.1.3The application of procurement processes in a range of workplace contexts: public, private and third sectors
2.0 Demonstrate the application of the stages of the procurement process
2.1 Apply the pre-contract stages (stages 1-8) of the CIPS Procurement Cycle to the practical procurement and supply environment/strong>
2.1.1Apply the pre-contract stages (stages 1-8) of the CIPS Procurement Cycle to practical procurement and supply contexts: public sector, private sector and third sector
2.2 Apply the post-contract stages (stages 9-13) of the CIPS Procurement Cycle to the practical procurement and supply environment
2.2.1Apply the post-contract stages (stages 9-13) of the CIPS Procurement Cycle to practical procurement and supply contexts: public sector, private sector and third sector/li>
2.3 Calculation and assessment of performance indicators
2.3.1Calculate performance indicators of profitability, liquidity, gearing and cash from financial statements to assess and make conclusions on the viability of suppliers
2.3.2Assess the benefits and limitations of calculating performance indicators from financial statements
2.3.3Calculate and comment on fixed and variable costs, mark-up, margin and breakeven
2.3.4Assess the benefits and limitations of breakeven analysis
3.0 Demonstrate the application of whole life-asset management
3.1 Apply whole-life asset management principles in a range of sectors and industries
3.1.1Application of whole-life asset principles in a range of sectors: public, private and third sector
3.1.2Application of whole-life asset principles in a range of industries: primary, secondary and tertiary industries
3.1.3Application of whole-life asset principles in global sourcing, considering the risks and benefits associated with extended supply chain
3.1.4The application of whole-life asset management principles in the management of costs and risks
3.1.5The application of whole-life asset management principles in the management of stakeholders
3.1.6The application of whole-life asset management principles to product end-of-life and decommissioning activities
4.0 Demonstrate the application of environmental, social and governance principles in a range of sectors and industries
4.1 Apply environmental, social and governance principles
4.1.1Application of environmental, social and governance principles in a range of sectors: public, private and third sector
4.1.2Application of environmental, social and governance principles in a range of industries: primary, secondary and tertiary industries
4.1.3Use and application of supplier monitoring and KPIs to track and improve performance
4.1.4To be able to apply practical steps to achieve environmental, social and governance goals in a range of contexts: public, private and third sectors

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