
CIPS CIPS Level 3 Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations L3M4

Product Description

Exam Code:L3M4

Exam Name:Team Dynamics and Change

Q&A:98 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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ExamGood L3M4 Exam Features
Team Dynamics and Change (L3M4)

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to identify the influence that peopleand teams can have on procurement and supply success and recognise the challenges associated with and methods to achieve, organisational change.

Module aim(s)

Individuals with responsibility for procurement and supply activity are to operate in arange of environments and within a correspondingly broad variety of teams. The influence of the individual and that of the team on overall organisational success should not be underestimated. Those who work in organisations will, more often than not be expected to cope with change be it small or large, and must therefore understand the triggers that lead to change, the associated responses and methods to ensure and maintain lasting change. This module is designed for those who are involved in the procurement and supply function, who must recognise the wider environment in which they work and the impacts that different types of individuals and team dynamics have to play on organisational success. They must also identify with need for and responses to change, and recognise the coping mechanisms which ensure and maintain change.

Learning outcomes

1.0  Know how the individual can support overall organisational success in procurement and supply 
1.1  Identify the personal attributes required to support overall organisational success 
Personal knowledge
Personal values
Self-development and awareness
An understanding of the procurement and supply process
Further the aims of the procurement and supply profession
1.2  Describe the roles of staff with devolved responsibilities for procurement and supply 
Advise other members of staff that have responsibilities for procurement and supply activities
Ensure compliance with organisational procedures and processes
Work towards achieving value for money outcomes in procuring goods and/or services
1.3  Explain the importance of liaising with internal customers and other stakeholders 
Serve internal stakeholders efficiently and effectively to promote customer service and support
Advise on pricing, quality, delivery, demand, quantities and place aspects
The role or personnel involved in procurement and supply activity
The structure and objectives of the procurement and supply function.
2.0  Understand team dynamics and their influence on procurement and supply 
2.1  Describe the purpose and challenges of cross functional teams in procurement and supply 
Identifying behaviours to further the aims of procurement and supply
Developing positive relationships with team members and other cross functional stakeholders
2.2  Explain the contribution and challenges of team working 
Identifying barriers to team working
Actions to overcome resistance and conflict within teams
Developing positive relationships with team members
3.0  Understand the challenges associated with, and methods to achieve organisational change 
3.1  Describe the types of organisational change 
Closed, contained and open-ended change
3.2  Describe triggers for change 
Political, Economic, Social and Technological (PEST) factors
Internal triggers
Future trends and innovation
3.3  Explain organisational responses to change 
Environmental turbulence
Resistance to change
Cynicism and scepticism
The challenge of maintaining change
The change cycle – loss, doubt, discomfort, discovery, understanding, integration
3.4  Identify and explain methods to achieve change 
Clarify goals
Refine methods and procedures
Empowerment and ownership
Incremental adjustment
Collaborate, communicate, direct and coerce

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