User Experience Designer

Salesforce Salesforce Designers User Experience Designer

Product Description

Exam Code:User Experience Designer

Exam Name:Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer

Q&A:210 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare to excel in the Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer Exam with ExamGood's expertly designed study materials. Elevate your skills in user experience design and propel your career in Salesforce.

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ExamGood User-Experience-Designer Exam Features

About the User Experience Designer Credential

The Salesforce Certified User Experience (UX) Designer exam is intended for beginners or experienced designers who wish to build and design solutions on the Salesforce platform. Candidates should have basic problem-solving and design skills, an understanding of core UX concepts, and the ability to deliver these experiences using the core functionalities of the Salesforce platform. Candidates should also be able to collaborate with clients and use user-centered design methods to identify their needs and requirements.

Audience Description: Salesforce User Experience Designer

Salesforce Certified UX Designer candidates should have at least 6 months of hands-on experience as a UX designer, engineer, administrator, stakeholder, facilitator, or researcher. Additionally, Salesforce Certified UX Designer candidates should have 3 to 6 months experience utilizing UX design concepts on the Salesforce Platform. The Salesforce Certified UX Designer exam is for individuals who want to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and experience.
This document covers various topics related to Trailhead help, including analysis of business and design requirements, design strategy based on user and content scope, Salesforce personas and processes, key design systems and principles, mobile UX design, human-centered design, accessibility and inclusion guidelines, declarative Salesforce features and their impact on user experience, branding and styling, testing and validation, change management design, out-of-the-box Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) solutions versus customization, and utilization of SLDS for creating new and customized components.

Purpose of This Exam Guide

This guide provides information about the Salesforce Certified UX Designer exam, including the target audience, recommended training and documentation, and exam objectives. It emphasizes the importance of on-the-job experience, course attendance, and self-study to increase the chances of passing the exam.

About the Exam

The Salesforce Certified UX Designer exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions to be completed in 105 minutes. The passing score is 65% and the registration fee is USD 200. Retake fee is USD 100. The exam can be taken onsite at a testing center or online. No reference materials are allowed during the exam and there are no prerequisites.

Recommended Training and References

To prepare for the exam, it is recommended to gain hands-on experience, complete training courses, explore Trailhead Trails, and engage in self-study. The self-study materials suggested include a Trailmix and a module specifically designed for UX Designer Certification preparation. Additionally, one can further enhance their Salesforce skills by enrolling in expert-led courses offered by Trailhead Academy. Online Documentation, Tip Sheets, and User Guides related to the exam topics can be accessed through Salesforce Help.

Exam Outline

The Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer exam assesses a candidate's knowledge and skills in UX design concepts on the Salesforce Platform. Hands-on experience and expertise in the specified areas are required.
Discovery: 13%
UX Fundamentals: 16%
Human-Centered Design: 12%
Declarative Design: 27%
Testing: 11%
Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS): 21%

Exam Candidate Code of Conduct

Participants in the Salesforce Credentialing Program are expected to use approved study materials, collaborate with others in the Trailblazer Community, follow exam guidelines, and report any security concerns. They are prohibited from sharing exam content, seeking help during exams, or violating the program agreement. Consequences for violations include exam cancelation, suspension, and revocation of certifications and program access.

Maintaining Your Salesforce Certification

ExamGood is a reliable platform that offers Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer Exam Questions. Once you have successfully made a purchase, you will have instant access to download the exam questions. These questions are available in both PDF and software versions, giving you flexibility in studying and preparing for the exam.
One of the great advantages of using ExamGood is that you will receive free updates for one year. This means that if there are any changes or updates to User Experience Designer exam content during that period, you will have access to the updated questions without any additional cost.
In the unfortunate event that you fail the exam, ExamGood has you covered. You will be eligible for an immediate refund. This demonstrates their commitment to customer satisfaction and ensuring that you are fully supported throughout your exam preparation journey.
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