Salesforce Sales Representative

Salesforce Sales Professional Salesforce Sales Representative

Product Description

Exam Code:Salesforce Sales Representative

Exam Name:Salesforce Certified Sales Representative

Q&A:126 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare with Confidence for the Salesforce Sales Representative Exam with ExamGood's Top-notch Resources!

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ExamGood Salesforce-Sales-Representative Exam Features
The Salesforce Certified Sales Representative certification exam covers a range of skills and knowledge, including creating a sales plan, engaging customers, presenting solutions, handling objections and negotiations, and achieving customer success through order management and fulfillment, service and support, and customer value.

Audience Description: Salesforce Sales Representative

Salesforce Certified Sales Representatives develop trusted relationships with customers, align with account teams and stakeholders, and take ownership of the sales process. They possess skills in customer communication, research, discovery, team selling, value selling, and account planning. Candidates should have 6 months to 3 years of sales representative experience.

About Salesforce Sales Representative Exam

The Salesforce Certified Sales Representative exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and up to 5 non-scored questions, with a passing score of 70%. The exam must be completed within 105 minutes, and registration costs USD 200 plus applicable taxes. The exam can be taken in a proctored onsite testing center or online. No references are allowed during the exam, and there are no prerequisites.

Salesforce Sales Representative Exam Outline

The Salesforce Certified Sales Representative exam measures a candidate's knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. Candidates should have sales knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below.
Planning: 21%
Customer Engagement: 15%
Deal Management: 37%
Pipeline Management: 12%
Forecasting: 6%
Customer Success: 9%

ExamGood: Your Comprehensive Salesforce Sales Representative Exam Preparation Partner

Instant Download - Access Your Salesforce Sales Representative Material Immediately
With ExamGood, you can instantly download all the study materials and resources for the Salesforce Sales Representative exam. Say goodbye to waiting times and start your exam preparation right away. Our quick and hassle-free download process ensures you get a head start in achieving your certification goals.
Printable PDF + ICE Software - Study On-the-Go and Experience Real Exam Environment
ExamGood provides the Salesforce Sales Representative material in printable PDF format, allowing you to study anytime and anywhere. Additionally, our resources are compatible with ICE Software, providing a realistic exam environment for practicing and improving your skills. Prepare effectively and excel in the real exam with confidence.
One Year Free Update + Add $10 Two Years Updated - Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Content
ExamGood offers free updates to our Salesforce Sales Representative material for one year from the date of purchase. For an additional $10, you can extend the update period to two years. This ensures you have access to the most up-to-date content and align your preparation with the latest exam objectives and requirements.
Payment Refund Guarantee - Prepare Confidently, Worry-Free
With ExamGood, your satisfaction and success are our priorities. We offer a payment refund guarantee within three months if you are unable to pass the Salesforce Sales Representative exam. Prepare confidently, knowing that your investment is secure, and embark on your journey towards becoming a certified Salesforce Sales Representative.
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