
Salesforce Architect Exams ARC-801

Product Description

Exam Code:ARC-801

Exam Name:Salesforce Design and Implement B2B Multi-Cloud Solutions

Q&A:112 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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Salesforce Architect Exams ARC-801 Exam Overview

Who should take this course?
The Salesforce Training course, ARC801, is designed for experienced administrators, developers, and architects responsible for building B2B multi-cloud solutions. It is also recommended for analysts, product owners, and project managers who want to better manage their projects and programs. The course is ideal for application architects and those working towards their Salesforce Certified B2B Solution Architect credential.
When you complete this course, you will be able to:
The Salesforce training course ARC801 focuses on designing and implementing B2B multi-cloud solutions. It covers identifying cross-cloud solution requirements, recommending and implementing B2B Commerce solutions, designing domain-specific multi-cloud solutions, leveraging various Salesforce tools, guiding companies on multi-cloud solution journeys, advocating for implementation considerations and best practices, and explaining how different teams work together to provide a seamless customer experience.

Salesforce Architect Exams ARC-801 Exam Lessons and Topics

B2B Solution Architect Overview
The Salesforce Training course ARC801 covers B2B and Multi-Cloud Solutions, including solution design and architecture, product clouds such as Sales and Service, and foundational content such as data strategies. The course also covers the role of a B2B Solution Architect and the B2B Solution Architect Certification Exam Objectives.
Discovery and Customer Success
This Salesforce training course covers the discovery phase of designing and implementing B2B multi-cloud solutions, including understanding the business problem, defining use cases, identifying stakeholders, and examining artifacts such as solution architect diagrams and business process maps.
Designing Cart to Quote Solutions
Salesforce Training course ARC801 covers designing solution architecture for multi-cloud implementation, examining cart to quote use case, understanding B2B commerce and CPQ, and reviewing artifact solution design for cart to quote use case.
Integration and Data Governance
This Salesforce training course covers topics such as defining ERP, comparing CRM and ERP, exploring ERP in a system engagement framework, learning about Salesforce APIs, MuleSoft, Salesforce Billing, reviewing data governance, and understanding the benefits of data governance for designing and implementing B2B multi-cloud solutions.
Engaging with Customers Post-Sales (Service Cloud)
The Salesforce Training course ARC801 covers topics such as examining a configuration to installation use case, understanding quote to installation solutions, learning about field service, and reviewing artifact solution design.
Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (Pardot)
This document outlines instructions for a Salesforce training or course on B2B marketing, including examining a B2B marketing use case, defining B2B marketing, learning about account-based marketing, exploring Sales Cloud, B2B Commerce, Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, and reviewing artifact solution design.
Case Study: Multi-Org and Multi-Cloud
This document outlines a list of tasks that include drawing, presenting, and adjusting a solution design, demonstrating leadership, and examining a case study involving multiple organizations and clouds.

The Benefits of Using ExamGood Salesforce Architect Exams ARC-801 Exam Questions

Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM platforms used by businesses around the world. To become a certified Salesforce Architect, you need to pass the ARC-801 exam. However, passing this exam is not an easy feat. That's why many people turn to ExamGood for their Salesforce Architect Exams ARC-801 Exam Questions. In this blog post, we will discuss the four major benefits of using ExamGood for your exam preparation.
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One of the biggest benefits of using ExamGood for your Salesforce Architect Exams ARC-801 Exam Questions is the instant download feature. Once you make the purchase, you will receive a download link that allows you to download the study material instantly. This means you can start your exam preparation right away without any delay. In addition, you can access the study material on any device, including your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Both PDF + Software Download
ExamGood offers two types of downloads for their Salesforce Architect Exams ARC-801 Exam Questions. You can either download the PDF version of the study material or the software version. The PDF version is perfect for those who prefer to study on their own, while the software version is ideal for those who want to practice their exam skills. The software version mimics the actual exam environment, allowing you to get a feel of what the real exam will be like.
One Year Free Update
Another great benefit of using ExamGood for your Salesforce Architect Exams ARC-801 Exam Questions is the one year free update feature. The Salesforce platform is constantly evolving, and new features and updates are added regularly. ExamGood ensures that their study material is always up-to-date with the latest changes in the Salesforce platform. This means you can rest assured that you are studying the most relevant and accurate material for your exam.
Payment Refund if Failed
Finally, ExamGood offers a payment refund if you fail your Salesforce Architect Exams ARC-801 exam. This is a testament to the quality of their study material. ExamGood is confident that their study material is effective in helping you pass your exam. However, if for some reason you fail your exam after using their study material, you can request a refund. This gives you peace of mind knowing that you are not wasting your money on ineffective study material.
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