B2B Solution Architect

Salesforce Architect Exams B2B Solution Architect

Product Description

Exam Code:B2B Solution Architect

Exam Name:Salesforce Certified B2B Solution Architect Exam

Q&A:112 Q&As

Updated: 12-21-2024


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ExamGood B2B-Solution-Architect Exam Features

About the Salesforce B2B Solution Architect Credential

The Salesforce B2B Solution Architect certification focuses on architecting and driving multi-cloud B2B solutions that deliver business value. It requires knowledge across various products and aims to achieve outcomes such as modeling customers, recognizing them as a unified view, driving transactional data capabilities, and maintaining data consistency and cardinality across multi-cloud experiences.
This certification demonstrates the ability of B2B Solutions Architects to provide guidance and combine guidance from different enterprise architecture perspectives to create solutions that generate strategic business value for clients, including: Business aspects, by guiding enterprises through the multi-cloud solution journey to demonstrate business Leadership, emphasizing different customer experiences; Delivery, advocating multi-cloud implementation considerations and best practices by delivering knowledge based on use cases, covering Salesforce Customer 360 Vision and platforms; Technology, by selecting the best fit with the company's vision and business value goals of multi-cloud product features and provide technical leadership.

Audience Description: Salesforce Certified B2B Solution Architect

The Salesforce B2B Solution Architect should have 4-5 years of experience as a Solution Architect and be skilled in bridging business needs with technical implementations, overseeing requirements gathering, identifying third-party system roles, translating technical details to a business audience, supporting the overall vision, informing about best practices, driving customer experience solutions, creating a common language for multi-cloud use cases, designing end-state solution architectures, guiding implementation teams, layering appropriate technology, and participating in solution delivery.

Purpose of this Exam Guide

This guide is designed to help candidates assess their readiness to pass the Salesforce Certified B2B Solutions Architect exam. The guide provides information about the certification exam's target audience, recommended training and documentation, and a complete list of exam objectives designed to help candidates achieve a passing score. Salesforce strongly recommends a combination of work experience and self-study to maximize the likelihood of passing the exam.

About the Exam

The Salesforce B2B Solution Architect exam consists of 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 4 non-scored items. The exam must be completed within 120 minutes, with a passing score of 58%. The registration fee is USD 400, with a retake fee of USD 200. The exam can be taken onsite at a testing center or online. No reference materials are allowed during the exam. The prerequisite for this exam is the Salesforce Certified Application Architect Certification, which includes pre-requisites such as Platform App Builder, Platform Developer I, Data Architect, and Sharing and Visibility Architect.

Exam Outline

The Salesforce B2B Solution Architect exam assesses a candidate's knowledge and skills in various areas including B2B Commerce, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Pardot, Revenue Cloud, Salesforce Field Service, Einstein Automate, Experience Cloud, Tableau CRM, and Mulesoft. Candidates should have hands-on experience and demonstrate expertise in each of these areas.
Discovery and Customer Success: 25%
Data Governance and Integration: 26%
Design: 29%
Delivery: 12%
Operationalize the Solution: 8%

Recommended Training and References

As preparation for this exam, we recommend a combination of hands-on experience, training course completion, Trailhead trails, and self-study in the areas listed in the Exam Outline section of this exam guide.
The self-study materials recommended for this exam include:
Study for the B2B Solution Architect Certification Trail
B2B Solution Architect Certification Trailmix
If you are a partner, you can log into Partner Learning Camp (PLC), which gives you access to the B2B Solution Architect course catalog.

Exam Candidate Code of Conduct

As a participant in the Salesforce Credentialing program, it is important to use approved study materials, collaborate with others in the Trailblazer Community, follow exam guidelines, and report any security concerns. Sharing exam questions and answers, seeking help during exams, or engaging in behavior that violates the program agreement can result in consequences such as exam cancelation, suspension, or revocation of certifications.

Additional Resources

ExamGood is a platform that provides Salesforce Certified B2B Solution Architect exam Questions. Once you have successfully made a purchase, you will be able to download the exam material immediately. ExamGood offers both PDF and software versions of the material, allowing you to choose the format that suits you best.
One of the advantages of using ExamGood is that you will receive free updates for a period of one year. This means that if any changes or updates occur in the exam content within this time frame, you will have access to the latest Salesforce Certified B2B Solution Architect Exam material without any additional cost.
Furthermore, ExamGood understands that preparing for an exam can be a stressful process, and there is always a possibility of not passing. In such cases, ExamGood provides a guarantee of an immediate refund. This ensures that you can confidently prepare for the Salesforce Certified B2B Solution Architect exam, knowing that if you do not succeed, you will receive your money back promptly.
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