Scrum Professional Scrum with Kanban PSK-I

Product Description

Exam Code:PSK-I

Exam Name:Professional Scrum with Kanban level I

Q&A:138 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Excel in Agile practices with ExamGood's PSK-I: Professional Scrum with Kanban Level I study guide. Elevate your expertise in agile methodologies and gain certification success through our comprehensive resources.

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ExamGood PSK-I Exam Features
The Professional Scrum with Kanban™ (PSK I) certification validates your knowledge of how Scrum Teams can use Scrum with Kanban to support value creation and delivery. PSK I certification focuses on understanding how Scrum Teams can utilize Kanban, with questions based on the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams and the Scrum Guide.
The Professional Scrum™ with Kanban Certification (PSK I) tests your ability to apply concepts from the PSK subject areas and recommends taking the Professional Scrum with Kanban training class.
PSK I is grounded in the Professional Scrum with Kanban subject areas:
Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework:
How Scrum and Kanban can be used together for greater benefit without compromising the core tenets of either Scrum or Kanban
Complementary Practices:
The Professional Scrum™ with Kanban Certification focuses on knowledge of Kanban practices and agile metrics for Kanban, as outlined in the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams.

Certification Details

Fee: $200 USD per attempt
Passing score: 85%
Time limit: 60 minutes
Number of Questions: 45
Format: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer and True/False
Free Credly digital credential included
Recommended course: Professional Scrum with Kanban
Practice assessments: Scrum with Kanban Open
Lifetime certification - no annual renewal fee required
Passwords have no expiration date, but are valid for one attempt only

Why offers Professional Scrum certifications that require passing a certification test to demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Taking a training class is recommended but not mandatory. Test-takers must adhere to the Standard of Conduct and receive performance breakdown based on Professional Scrum Competencies.

Professional Scrum™ with Kanban Training

In the Professional Scrum with Kanban course, learn how to improve the way you are working by applying Kanban practices in the context of Professional Scrum. Learn the importance of flow and be equipped with practical knowledge to implement Kanban practices to help Scrum Teams enhance how they work.

Ready to Take PSK-I: Professional Scrum with Kanban level I Exam 

ExamGood PSK-I: Professional Scrum with Kanban Level I Exam Questions Description:
Instant Download Upon Purchase: Enjoy the convenience of immediate access upon a successful purchase. No waiting time is required. Download the exam questions instantly and commence your preparation promptly.
PDF and Software Versions Available: Choose the format that suits you best. The PDF version allows direct printing for a traditional study approach, while the software version offers the flexibility to use the material across various devices without any restrictions.
One Year of Free Updates: Stay current with the latest exam trends. Benefit from one year of free updates to ensure your preparation aligns with any changes or additions to the PSK-I: Professional Scrum with Kanban Level I exam. For an extended update period of two years, an additional $10 can be added.
Money-Back Guarantee After Exam Failure: Your success is our priority. In the unfortunate event of an exam failure, provide your scorecard, and we'll promptly process a refund. We understand the importance of your investment and strive to offer a risk-free experience for your PSK-I certification.
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PSK-I Exam Passed with Dedication!

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PSK-I Exam Successfully Passed!

Thanks to ExamGood, I'm now a certified professional. Their Professional Scrum with Kanban PSK-I materials were my beacon of hope in the exam preparation process.

PSK-I Exam Successfully Completed!

ExamGood PSK-I study guide is a comprehensive resource that covers all exam objectives concisely and effectively.
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