Scrum Professional Scrum Product Owner PSPO-I

Product Description

Exam Code:PSPO-I

Exam Name:Professional Scrum Product Owner I

Q&A:169 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Elevate your Agile career by preparing for the PSPO-I exam with ExamGood's top-quality resources. Your journey to becoming a Professional Scrum Product Owner starts here.

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ExamGood PSPO-I Exam Features

Prove Your Knowledge of Product Ownership

The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ (PSPO I) certification demonstrates your understanding of the Scrum framework and your ability to create valuable products using agile product management. The certification costs $200 USD per attempt and assessment passwords do not expire.
The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I Certification, offered by, is recommended for individuals seeking a fundamental understanding of the Product Owner role and its accountabilities. The certification exam covers the Scrum Guide and the application of Scrum based on personal experience.
PSPO I includes questions from the following Focus Areas as defined in the Professional Scrum Competencies.
Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework:
Empiricism, Scrum Team, Events, Artifacts, Done
Developing People and Teams:
Self-Managing Teams
Managing Products with Agility:
Forecasting & Release Planning, Product Vision, Product Value, Product Backlog Management, Business Strategy, Stakeholders & Customers

Certification Details

The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I Certification from costs $200 USD per attempt, has a passing score of 85%, a time limit of 60 minutes, and consists of 80 questions in multiple choice, multiple answer, and true/false formats. It includes a free digital credential from Credly and is a lifetime certification with no annual renewal fee. Recommended courses and practice assessments are available on the website.


Earning a certification requires passing a certification test to prove knowledge and understanding. Attending a class is recommended but not required. Test-takers must adhere to the Standard of Conduct and will receive a performance breakdown based on Professional Scrum Competencies.

Professional Scrum Product Owner™ Training

In the Professional Scrum Product Owner course, participants will explore and learn how to apply the responsibilities of the Product Owner and the principles of Professional Scrum. They will gain an understanding of the important role the Product Owner plays in bridging strategy and agile product management, with the goal of helping the Scrum Team create valuable products.

Recommended Training and References

ExamGood is a reliable platform that offers Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO-I) Exam Questions
Instant and hassle-free download of the exam questions immediately after purchase.
The Professional Scrum Product Owner PSPO-I exam questions are available in both PDF and software versions, giving you the flexibility to choose the format that suits you best.
Stay up-to-date with the latest changes and advancements in the industry, as ExamGood provides free updates for one year. This ensures that you have access to the most relevant and accurate exam questions.
Your satisfaction is our top priority. In the unfortunate event that you fail the exam, ExamGood offers an immediate refund, allowing you to pursue other opportunities without any financial loss.
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PSPO-I Exam Successfully Passed!

It's a very good material. I used Scrum Professional Scrum Product Owner PSPO-I exam questions. All question & answers are still valid. i passed with 90% marks.

PSPO-I Exam Passed with Flying Colors!

Thanks to ExamGood, I passed my exam with flying colors. Their PSPO-I materials are an investment in your future, and I'm grateful for their support.

PSPO-I Exam Successfully Passed!

ExamGood PSPO-I study guide is a treasure trove of valuable insights and knowledge. It was my constant companion throughout my preparation.
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