Scrum Professional Scrum Product Owner PSPO-II

Product Description

Exam Code:PSPO-II

Exam Name:Professional Scrum Product Owner II

Q&A:255 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Excel in the PSPO-II Exam with the power of ExamGood's exceptional study materials and expert guidance. Our comprehensive resources are designed to elevate your knowledge and skills, ensuring you achieve PSPO-II certification success.

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 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
Testing Engine(Software Version) $20.00 $10.00
Total     $98.00 $48.00
ExamGood PSPO-II Exam Features

Prove Your Advanced Knowledge of the Product Owner Accountabilities

The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ II (PSPO II) certification is designed to validate your advanced understanding of Professional Scrum Product Ownership, the Scrum framework, and delivering valuable products. Prior experience as a Product Owner and a strong grasp of Scrum fundamentals are recommended, with attendance at a Professional Scrum Product Owner - Advanced class highly encouraged.
The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ II Certification (PSPO II) assesses your knowledge of Scrum, Product Ownership, delivering value, and handling real-world situations. The certification focuses primarily on Managing Products with Agility and Evolving the Agile Organization, as defined in the Professional Scrum Competencies.
Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework:
Empiricism, Scrum Values, Scrum Team, Events, Artifacts, Scaling
Managing Products with Agility:
Forecasting & Release Planning, Product Vision, Product Value, Product Backlog Management, Business Strategy, Stakeholders & Customers
Evolving the Agile Organization:
Organizational Design & Culture, Portfolio Planning, Evidence Based Management

Certification Details

The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ II Certification offered by has a passing score of 85% and a time limit of 60 minutes. It consists of 40 multiple-choice, multiple-answer questions with partial credit provided on some questions. The certification includes a free digital credential on Credly. Recommended courses for preparation include Professional Scrum Product Owner and Professional Scrum Product Owner - Advanced. Practice assessments are available for Product Owner Open, Evidence-Based Management Open, and Scrum Open. The certification is valid for a lifetime with no annual renewal fee required.


To earn a certification, passing a certification test is required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Attending a training class is recommended but not mandatory. Protecting the integrity of the certification process is emphasized, and test-takers must adhere to the Standard of Conduct. While specific questions are not disclosed, performance breakdown based on Professional Scrum Competencies is provided. Learn more about what sets apart.

Professional Scrum Product Owner™ - Advanced Training

The Professional Scrum Product Owner - Advanced course is designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of experienced Product Owners. It emphasizes the importance of establishing a vision, validating hypotheses, and delivering value through entrepreneurial product leadership skills and practices.

Scrum Product Owner PSPO-II Exam Dump

ExamGood is a reputable provider of Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO-II) Exam Questions. Upon completing a successful purchase, you will have immediate access to download the exam materials. These materials are available in both PDF and software versions, allowing you to choose the format that suits your preferences.
One notable advantage of ExamGood is their commitment to continuous improvement. They offer Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO-II) one year of free updates, ensuring that you always have access to the most up-to-date resources. This means that you can stay current with the latest exam content and increase your chances of success.
Despite their dedication to providing high-quality materials, ExamGood understands that exam outcomes can be unpredictable. In the unfortunate event that you fail the PSPO-II exam, they offer a hassle-free refund process. You can expect to receive an immediate refund, providing you with peace of mind and financial security.
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PSPO-II Exam Passed!

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PSPO-II Exam Passed!

Thanks to ExamGood, I passed my PSPO-II exam with flying colors. Their practice questions provided a real test environment.
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