Salesforce Platform Developer II PDII

Product Description

Exam Code:PDII

Exam Name:Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II

Q&A:175 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood Salesforce Platform Developer II PDII Exam Short Description: Get ready to pass the Salesforce Platform Developer II PDII exam with ExamGood's trusted resources and expert guidance.

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About the Salesforce Platform Developer II Credential

The Salesforce Platform Developer II program is for individuals who want to showcase their expertise in advanced programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform and data modeling. They can design, develop, test, and deploy maintainable and reusable programmatic solutions following design patterns and object-oriented programming best practices.
The Salesforce Platform Developer I credential is a prerequisite for the program.
This certification consists of two parts: the Platform Developer II proctored multiple-choice exam and three superbadges: Apex Specialist, Data Integration Specialist, and Advanced Apex Specialist. These credentials can be earned in any sequence and will automatically earn the Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II certification.
To earn the Platform Developer II certification, complete the three required superbadges available on Trailhead. Log in or sign up for a Trailhead account to get started.

Audience Description: Salesforce Platform Developer II

The Salesforce Platform Developer II program is designed for individuals with experience in developing custom applications on the Lightning Platform. This program requires practical application of the skills and concepts outlined in the exam objectives. Typically, a Salesforce Platform Developer II has 2-4 years of experience as a developer, including at least 1 year of experience in design, implementation, and deployment on the Lightning Platform.
The Salesforce Platform Developer II candidate should have a strong understanding and practical experience in Salesforce data modeling, user experience design, code development, and testing. They should be proficient in developing Apex code, building custom user interfaces, implementing complex sharing models, designing and implementing test plans, deploying custom applications, and utilizing Apex SOAP and REST web services. They should also have knowledge of asynchronous programming, error handling, trigger development, and surfacing Lightning Web Components and Aura Components on different platforms.

Purpose of this Exam Guide

This exam guide is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Salesforce Platform Developer II program. This guide provides information about the target audience for the certification program, recommended training and documentation, and a complete list of exam objectives—all with the intent of helping you achieve a passing score. Salesforce highly recommends a combination of on-the-job experience and self-study to maximize your chances of passing the exam.

About the Exam

The Salesforce Platform Developer II exam consists of 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and up to 5 non-scored questions. The exam must be completed within 120 minutes, with a passing score of 70%. The registration fee is USD 200, with a retake fee of USD 100. The exam can be taken onsite at a testing center or online. No reference materials are allowed during the exam, and a Salesforce Platform Developer I credential is required as a prerequisite.

Recommended Training and References

As preparation for the exam, Salesforce recommends a combination of hands-on experience, training courses, Trailhead trails, and self-study. The self-study materials include Trailmixes and Superbadges, while additional resources such as developer guides, documentation, and user guides are also recommended. To continue developing Salesforce skills, enrolling in expert-led courses at Trailhead Academy is suggested.

Exam Outline

The Salesforce Platform Developer II exam assesses a candidate's knowledge and skills in various areas, including Advanced Developer Fundamentals, Process Automation, Logic, and Integration, User Interface, Testing, Debugging, and Deployment, and Performance. Each objective carries a different weightage in the exam.

Maintaining Your Salesforce Certification

ExamGood is a reliable provider of Salesforce Platform Developer II PDII Exam Questions. Once you make a successful purchase, you can instantly download the exam questions. They are conveniently available in both PDF and software versions, allowing you to choose your preferred format. Additionally, ExamGood offers free updates for a duration of one year, ensuring that you have access to the latest exam materials.
In the unfortunate event that you do not pass Salesforce Platform Developer II PDII exam, ExamGood has a refund policy in place. If you are not successful, you will receive a prompt refund. ExamGood values your satisfaction and aims to provide a seamless experience throughout your exam preparation journey.
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