Order Management Administrator

Salesforce Salesforce Order Management Order Management Administrator

Product Description

Exam Code:Order Management Administrator

Exam Name:Salesforce Order Management Administrator Accredited Professional

Q&A:85 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


With ExamGood Order Management Administrator Questions, you can confidently prepare for your exam, knowing that you have access to high-quality materials and excellent customer support. Start your journey towards success today!

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ExamGood Order-Management-Administrator Exam Features
The Salesforce Order Management Developer Accredited Professional certification is intended for consultants with experience in implementing and consulting on Order Management projects. This exam validates skills and knowledge in configuring and customizing Salesforce Order Management in real-world scenarios.


The exam candidate should have hands-on experience working with Salesforce Order Management and familiarity with implementations which include advanced customization. This document outlines the required and encouraged certifications and skills for an Order Management Administrator Accredited Professional, including Salesforce Administration in Lightning Experience, extending platform capabilities, process automation, data management, platform integrations and development, Lightning Web Components, reference implementations and frameworks, omnichannel inventory, and advanced customer use cases.


This exam guide provides information about the Order Management Developer Accredited Professional exam, including the target audience, recommended training and documentation, and exam objectives. Salesforce recommends a combination of on-the-job experience, relevant PLC curricula, and self-study to increase the chances of passing the exam.


Content: 60 multiple-choice / multiple-select questions
Time allotted to complete the exam: 90 minutes
Passing score: 70%
Registration fee: USD 150 plus applicable taxes as required per local law
Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered in an online proctored environment that can be accessed through Partner Learning Camp
References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam


The Order Management Developer Accredited Professional exam measures a candidate’s knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience with Salesforce Order Management to demonstrate the knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below:


As a participant in the Salesforce Credentialing program, it is important to adhere to the Program Terms for Learning and Credentials. This includes using approved study materials, collaborating with others, following guidelines for online exams, and reporting any activity that undermines credential security. Violations can result in consequences such as exam suspension, credential revocation, and removal from the program and community.


ExamGood Order Management Administrator Questions provides the following comprehensive features and benefits:
Instant download: Upon successful purchase, you can immediately download the material without any waiting time. 
Multiple formats: We offer both PDF and software versions. The PDF version allows you to easily print the material and study it in a physical format. On the other hand, the software version provides the convenience of studying on any device, without any limitations.
Free updates: We provide one year of free updates with your purchase. This ensures that you have access to the most current and relevant information. And if you want even more updates, you have the option to extend it to two years for just an additional $10.
Guaranteed refund: In the unfortunate event that you fail your exam, we offer an immediate refund. All you need to do is provide the score report, and we will process your refund without any hassle. 
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