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Exam Code:NCP-MCA

Exam Name:Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) 6 Exam

Q&A:132 Q&As

Updated: 02-04-2025


ExamGood Nutanix NCP-MCA preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your NCP-MCA certification exam. Download the latest Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) 6 Exam NCP-MCA certification exam from

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ExamGood NCP-MCA Exam Features
NCP-MCA: Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) 6 Exam

Program Overview 

The Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) 6.5 certification measures your knowledge of automation principles, as well as the automation capabilities built into the Nutanix platform. 
Successful candidates have approximately 3-6 months of experience with leveraging Nutanix products to automate the deployment of infrastructure and applications across a hybrid multicloud environment. They are typically IT professionals interested in pursuing, or currently engaged in, DevOps concepts and/or multicloud automation using Nutanix technologies. Additionally, the successful candidate will most likely have taken training courses, such as the Nutanix Multicloud Automation Administration (NMCAA) course.

Exam Details

75 multiple choice questions
Time Limit: 120 minutes
Language: English
$199 per attempt

Knowledge Objectives

Section 1 – Describe and Differentiate Automation Concepts and Principles
Determine and apply the steps required to automate a given manual process 
Demonstrate an understanding of event-driven playbooks
Define the components of X-Play
List how to implement categories for the appropriate use cases
Identify the capabilities of Projects
Section 2 – Deploy and Configure Self-service and Related Components
Given a scenario, create a blueprint to deploy infrastructure and applications using Self-Service
Demonstrate an Understanding of Self-service Managed Infrastructure and Applications
Identify required configuration settings for a Self-Service deployment
Identify common Blueprint features
Identify common Runbook features
Describe the features and requirements of Self-Service
Identify common Governance features
Section 3 - Validate Blueprints, Runbooks, Playbooks, and Automation Settings
Determine the causes of a Blueprint or Runbook deployment failure
Describe where to find information to assist in validation
Determine the correct method to validate required Playbook configurations
Determine the causes of issues associated with automation


Once you earn the NCP-MCA certification you join an exclusive community of Nutanix certified personnel, and earn more tangible benefits as well:
Use of the NCP-MCA logo
NCP-MCA Digital Badge from Credly
Access to the Nutanix Certification store
Discounts on Nutanix events
Early access to educational programs

The Benefits of ExamGood Nutanix NCP-MCA 5 NCP-MCA Exam Questions

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Availability of PDF and Software Versions: ExamGood NCP-MCA: Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) 6 Exam questions are available in both PDF and software formats, offering flexibility to users. The PDF version can be printed for those who prefer hard copies. Meanwhile, the software version can be used on any device, providing a convenient and flexible study experience.
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Full Refund Upon Failure: ExamGood offers a full refund policy for users who do not pass NCP-MCA: Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) 6 Exam, requiring only a sent score report for immediate refund, reflecting the company's confidence in its materials.
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ExamGood NCP-MCA study materials are like a rich library of knowledge. They were the anchor that kept me grounded and helped me sail smoothly through challenging exam waters.
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