Nutanix NCM-MCI NCM-MCI-6.5

Product Description

Exam Code:NCM-MCI-6.5

Exam Name:Nutanix Certified Master - Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI)v6.5

Q&A:16 Q&As

Updated: 02-04-2025


ExamGood provides essential resources to help you excel in the NCM-MCI-6.5 exam, ensuring you're well-prepared for Nutanix's Certified Master Multicloud Infrastructure certification in version 6.5.

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ExamGood NCM-MCI-6.5 Exam Features
Nutanix Certified Master Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI)
The Nutanix Certified Master Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI) certification tests your ability to analyze, evaluate, and optimize platform performance, configuration, and health, as well as remediate and evolve the platform to meet business requirements. Candidates should have 3-5 years of IT infrastructure experience and 2-3 years of Nutanix virtualization experience.

Knowledge Objectives

Section 1 Analyze and Optimize Storage Performance
The Nutanix Certified Master Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI) v6.5 covers topics such as analyzing and optimizing storage settings, evaluating competing workload requirements, and outlining storage internals (I/O).
Section 2 Analyze and Optimize Network Performance
The Nutanix Certified Master Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI) v6.5 certification covers analyzing and optimizing overlay networking, evaluating and optimizing physical/virtual networks, implementing advanced network configurations, and analyzing and optimizing Flow policies and configurations.
Section 3 Advanced Configuration and Troubleshooting
The Nutanix Certified Master Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI) v6.5 certification covers skills such as executing API calls and CLI functionality, configuring third-party integrations, analyzing and configuring AOS security posture, translating business requirements into technical solutions, configuring systems to mitigate risk, and troubleshooting Nutanix services.
Section 4 – Analyze and Optimize VM Performance
The Nutanix Certified Master Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI) v6.5 involves manipulating VM configuration for resource utilization and interpreting VM, node, and cluster metrics.
Section 5 – Business Continuity
The Nutanix Certified Master Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI) v6.5 involves analyzing and evaluating BCDR plans for compliance with business objectives and specific workloads.

Exam Benefits

Once you earn NCM-MCI certification you join an exclusive community of Nutanix certified personnel, and earn more tangible benefits as well:
Use of the NCM-MCI logo
NCM-MCI Digital Badge from Credly/Acclaim
Access to the Nutanix Certification store
Discounts on Nutanix events
Early access to educational programs

Exam Details

The Nutanix Certified Master Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI) v6.5 is a live lab environment exam with 16-20 scenarios and a 180-minute time limit. The exam costs $299 per attempt and has a related course, Advanced Administration & Performance Management (AAPM) v6.5. The exam blueprint guide can be downloaded as a PDF.

Exam Preparation:

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ExamGood's NCM-MCI-6.5 questions come in both PDF and software versions. The PDF version allows you to study on any device that can open PDF files, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. The software version provides a more interactive studying experience and allows you to simulate the NCM-MCI v6.5 exam.
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Customer Feedback

NCM-MCI-6.5 Exam Passed with Dedication!

I passed my NCM-MCI-6.5 exam this morning. I prepared with this question two weeks ago. This question is very valid. All the questions were in my exam. I still got 2 new questions but luckily they are easy for me. Thanks for your help. I will recommend you to everyone I know.

NCM-MCI-6.5 Exam Successfully Done!

A massive shoutout to ExamGood for their unbeatable NCM-MCI-6.5 materials. Their practice tests were like a dress rehearsal that ensured I was well-prepared for the big performance.
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