
Nutanix Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP) NCP-DB-6.5

Product Description

Exam Code:NCP-DB-6.5

Exam Name:Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation (NCP-DB) v6.5

Q&A:146 Q&As

Updated: 02-04-2025


ExamGood Nutanix NCP-DB-6.5 preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your NCP-DB-6.5 certification exam. Download the latest Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation (NCP-DB) v6.5 NCP-DB-6.5 certification exam from

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ExamGood NCP-DB-6.5 Exam Features
NCP-DB-6.5: Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation (NCP-DB) v6.5

Program Overview

The Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation (NCP-DB) 6.5 certification evaluates your skills in deploying, administering, optimizing, and troubleshooting database workloads using Nutanix Database Service (NDB).
Ideal candidates have around 1-2 years of database management experience, including at least 6 months of experience with Nutanix Database Service or Nutanix Era. They are often database administrators, Nutanix technical employees, Nutanix channel partners, Nutanix OEM vendors, or Nutanix customers. These candidates can successfully provision, patch, protect, and clone NDB-managed databases. It's likely that successful candidates have completed training courses like the Nutanix Database Management & Automation (NDMA) course.

Exam Details

The Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation (NCP-DB) v6.5 exam consists of 75 multiple choice questions, with a time limit of 120 minutes. The exam costs $199 USD per attempt and is conducted in English. The related course is Nutanix Database Management & Automation (NDMA).

Knowledge Objectives

Section 1 – Describe NDB Concepts
Define database and NDB terminology
Describe NDB features and benefits
Section 2 – Deploy and Configure an NDB Solution
Deploy an NDB Instance
Configure an NDB Instance
Configure NDB High Availability
Section 3 - Monitor Alerts and Storage Usage Within an NDB Implementation
Monitor alerts 
Monitor and manage storage usage
Section 4 - Operate and Maintain an NDB Environment
Apply procedural concepts to register database server VMs and databases
Apply procedural concepts to provision databases
Apply procedural concepts to test and publish database patches
Determine the correct method to apply Linux OS patches
Upgrade databases
Given a scenario, troubleshoot NDB operations
Section 5 - Protect NDB-managed Databases Using Time Machine
Create, delete, and modify SLA retention policies
Given business requirements, perform a database clone
Apply procedural concepts to restore source databases
Refresh clones
Apply policies to protect databases
Apply procedural concepts to create Data Access Management (DAM) policies
Section 6 - Administer an NDB Environment
Manage NDB profiles
Perform NDB software upgrades
Apply procedural concepts to add Nutanix clusters to NDB
Manage networks in NDB
Manage access controls in NDB
Identify how to use NDB APIs and CLI


Once you earn NCP-DB certification you join an exclusive community of Nutanix certified personnel, and earn more tangible benefits as well:
Use of the NCP-DB logo
NCP-DB Digital Badge from Credly
Access to the Nutanix Certification store
Discounts on Nutanix events
Early access to educational programs

Advantages of ExamGood Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP) NCP-DB-6.5 Exam Questions

Immediate Access Post-Purchase: Immediately after purchasing, you gain access to the NCP-DB-6.5: Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation (NCP-DB) v6.5 exam questions from ExamGood. There's no need to wait. After a successful transaction, you can download the exam questions directly from your member section. Simply go to "my orders" and begin your preparation without any delay.
Both PDF and Software Versions Available: The NCP-DB-6.5: Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation (NCP-DB) v6.5 exam questions from ExamGood are provided in both PDF and software formats, catering to the user's needs. Those who prefer a physical copy can print the PDF version. On the other hand, the software version can be used on any device, facilitating a versatile study experience.
One Year of Free Updates: ExamGood's NCP-DB-6.5: Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation (NCP-DB) v6.5 Exam Questions come with one year of complimentary updates. If there are any changes or updates to the exam materials, you will receive these at no additional cost for one year post-purchase. For an extra $10, you can extend these updates to two years, ensuring you always have the most current and relevant Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP) NCP-DB-6.5 exam materials.
Guaranteed Refund in Case of Failure: In the event that a user fails the NCP-DB-6.5: Nutanix Certified Professional - Database Automation (NCP-DB) v6.5 exam, ExamGood has a policy of issuing a full refund. A sent score report is all that is required for an immediate refund, showcasing the company's trust in its resources.
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