JavaScript Developer I

Salesforce JavaScript Developer I Certification JavaScript Developer I

Product Description

Exam Code:JavaScript Developer I

Exam Name:Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I

Q&A:230 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood professional provides latest Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I study materials, completely covers JavaScript Developer I exam knowledge points. With our completed JavaScript Developer I resources, you will minimize your Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I cost and be ready to pass your JavaScript Developer I exam.

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Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I

About the Salesforce JavaScript Developer I Credential

The Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I Credential is for individuals proficient in developing JavaScript applications for the web stack. The credential validates core JavaScript skills and hands-on development experience, particularly with technologies like the Lightning Component framework and Lightning Web Components (LWC).
The Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I certification consists of a proctored multiple-choice exam on JavaScript and a Lightning Web Components Specialist Superbadge. Earning both credentials, in any order, automatically grants the Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I credential.

Audience Description: Salesforce JavaScript Developer I

The Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I certification is for developers who can use JavaScript in various frameworks to design, develop, and test efficient, maintainable, and reusable applications. They can use JavaScript-specific design patterns and integrate JavaScript with CSS, HTML, and other markup languages. With Lightning Web Components (LWC), JavaScript developers can build and deploy fast apps on Salesforce using the modern JavaScript language without learning anything new.
The Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I is designed for individuals who work with JavaScript and the Lightning Component framework, including roles such as JavaScript programmer, Salesforce Developer, Full stack developer, and UI/UX engineer.

Purpose of this Exam Guide

The Salesforce JavaScript Developer I Exam guide is designed to assist candidates in preparing for the certification exam. It provides information about the target audience, recommended training, documentation, and exam objectives. A combination of on-the-job experience, course attendance, and self-study is highly recommended for success.

About the Exam

The JavaScript Developer I certification exam is a recognized credential for individuals with 1-2 years of experience in developing JavaScript applications. Passing the exam demonstrates the candidate's core JavaScript development skills, particularly in developing Lightning web components. There are no prerequisite certifications for this exam.
Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions, and up to five non-scored questions
Time allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes
Passing score: 65%
Registration fee: US$200, plus applicable taxes as required per local lawRetake fee: $100, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment.
References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
Prerequisite: None
Note: Exam takers now have the opportunity to provide comments and feedback for individual questions on the JavaScript Developer I Exam.

Recommended Training and Resources

A Salesforce JavaScript Developer I typically has 1-2 years of experience in JavaScript development, with knowledge in data types, operators, variables, string manipulation, type coercion, functions, data structures, inheritance, classes, modules, DOM, events, error handling, debugging, testing, asynchronous programming, and server-side JavaScript.
To prepare for the Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I exam, a combination of hands-on experience, training courses, Trailhead trails, and self-study is recommended. Key resources include the Trailhead Academy, JavaScript Language fundamentals, JavaScript Guide, JavaScript Reference, and various web APIs and Node.js frameworks. 

Exam Outline

The Salesforce JavaScript Developer I Exam measures a candidate’s knowledge and skills related to the following sections and objectives.
Variables, Types, and Collections: 23%
Objects, Functions, and Classes: 25%
Browser and Events: 17%
Debugging and Error Handling: 7%
Asynchronous Programming: 13%
Server Side JavaScript: 8%
Testing: 7%

Exam Candidate Code of Conduct

As a participant in the Salesforce Credentialing Program, you are required to accept the terms of the Salesforce Credential and Certification Program Agreement, reflecting Salesforce's commitment to trust and security.
Participants in the Salesforce Credentialing Program should:
To prepare for the Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I exam, use Salesforce-approved study materials, collaborate with other Trailblazers in the community, and follow the guidelines for online and in-person exams. Report any activity that undermines credential security to the Credential Security team.
Participants in the Salesforce Credentialing Program are prohibited from:
Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I certification prohibits sharing or requesting exam questions and answers, offering or receiving help during the exam, and any behavior that violates the Salesforce Credential and Certification Program Agreement.
Consequences for violating the Program Agreement include but are not limited to:
Penalties for Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I exam misconduct may include cancellation of upcoming exams, suspension from online and all certification exams, revocation of certifications and superbadges, and removal from the Salesforce Credentialing Program and the Trailblazer Community.

Benefits of ExamGood Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I Exam Questions

Immediate Download After Purchase: You can download ExamGood Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I Exam Questions instantly after your purchase. This means no waiting period and you can start studying right away.
Available in PDF and Software Formats: ExamGood Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I Exam Questions are available in both PDF and software formats. You can print the PDF for traditional study, or use the software version on any device, simulate the real test environment.
Includes One-Year Free Update: When you purchase ExamGood Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I Exam Questions, you'll also receive a one-year free update. Ensure you have the most recent materials. For just an extra 10 dollars, you can extend this update period to two years.
Refund Guarantee if Exam is Not Passed: If you don't pass the Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I exam, just submit your score report for a full refund. This reflects ExamGood’s confidence in the latest Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I exam materials.
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