
Salesforce Service Cloud Consultant CRT-261

Product Description

Exam Code:CRT-261

Exam Name:Certification Preparation for Service Cloud Consultant

Q&A:198 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood professional provides latest Certification Preparation for Service Cloud Consultant CRT-261 study materials, completely covers CRT-261 exam knowledge points.

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ExamGood CRT-261 Exam Features
The CRT-261 program is intended for experienced consultants who have implemented Salesforce Service Cloud solutions in a customer-facing role. The program requires successful completion of the Salesforce Certified Administrator exam and enables consultants to design and implement Service Cloud solutions that meet customer requirements and contribute to long-term success.

Audience Description: Salesforce Service Cloud Consultant

CRT-261 have experience designing and implementing solutions using Service Cloud functionality, with expertise in Salesforce applications and contact center industry experience. They possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills, deep knowledge of Salesforce product lines, and the ability to manage implementation projects, anticipate and mitigate risk, and consistently deliver effective business solutions.

Purpose of this Exam Guide

This guide provides information on the Certified Service Cloud Consultant exam, including the target audience, recommended training and documentation, and a list of exam objectives. Salesforce recommends a combination of on-the-job experience and self-study to increase the chances of passing the exam.

About the Exam

The Salesforce Service Cloud Consultant exam consists of 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and up to 5 non-scored questions, with a passing score of 67%. The exam takes 105 minutes to complete and costs USD 200 to register, with a USD 100 retake fee. It can be taken onsite at a testing center or online, and requires a Salesforce Administrator credential as a prerequisite. No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam. As of November 16, 2017, some exams will contain five additional, unscored questions to gather data on question performance.

Recommended Training and References

To prepare for the Salesforce Service Cloud Consultant Credential exam, a combination of hands-on experience, training course completion, Trailhead trails, and self-study is recommended. Recommended self-study materials include a Trailmix and online documentation. To continue developing Salesforce skills, Trailhead Academy offers expert-led courses such as Administer and Maintain Service Cloud and Prepare for your Service Cloud Consultant Certification Exam.

Exam Outline

The Salesforce Service Cloud Consultant exam assesses a candidate's knowledge and skills in implementing Service Cloud solutions and applying features/functions related to customer service.
Industry Knowledge: 10%
Implementation Strategies: 15%
Service Cloud Solution Design: 16%
Knowledge Management: 9%
Interaction Channels: 10%
Case Management: 15%
Contact Center Analytics: 5%
Integration and Data Management: 5%
Service Console: 15%

Exam Candidate Code of Conduct

As a participant in the Salesforce Credentialing program, use approved study materials, collaborate with others, and follow guidelines for certification exams. Prohibited actions include sharing or requesting exam questions and answers, receiving help during exams, and violating the Program Agreement. Consequences for violations include exam cancelation, suspension, and revocation of certifications and removal from the program and community.

Maintaining Your Salesforce Certification

To maintain a Salesforce credential, complete the Administrator certification maintenance modules on Trailhead three times a year. Bookmark the resources provided to avoid letting your credential expire.

ExamGood CRT-261 Exam Questions

Download Immediately Upon Purchase: One of the biggest advantages of using ExamGood is that you can download CRT-261 exam questions immediately upon purchase. This means that you can start studying right away and make the most out of your study time. You won't have to wait for shipping or delivery, which can be a big time saver.
PDF and Software Versions Available: ExamGood offers both CRT-261 PDF and software versions of the exam questions. This gives you the flexibility to choose the version that works best for you. If you prefer to study offline, then the PDF version is a great option. If you prefer to have a more interactive experience, then the software version may be more suitable.
One Year Free Updates and Money Back Guarantee: Another great advantage of using ExamGood is that they offer one year of free updates for CRT-261 exam questions. This means that if there are any changes or updates to the exam, you'll have access to the latest questions and answers. Additionally, if you fail the exam after using ExamGood's resources, they offer a money-back guarantee. This gives you peace of mind and ensures that you're getting a quality product.
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