B2B Commerce Administrator

Salesforce B2B Commerce B2B Commerce Administrator

Product Description

Exam Code:B2B Commerce Administrator

Exam Name:Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator (WI20)

Q&A:256 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood goes beyond the basics, providing comprehensive study resources that cover the breadth and depth of the Salesforce B2B Commerce Administrator Exam. Prepare with confidence, knowing that you have a reliable and thorough set of materials at your disposal.

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Salesforce B2B Commerce Administrator Exam Guide 

As a B2B Commerce administrator, you might be the system administrator for the org too. Depending on the maturity and complexity of the solution, acting as the B2B Commerce admin can be a full-time job. 
Mainly, the admin works in Setup, managing permission sets and security settings, and the Commerce app, to ensure the storefronts are functioning according to the business requirements. There is also the task of managing settings for Digital Experience sites, as well as simple Experience Builder fixes and updates. You might be asked to create custom reports and dashboards, or validate that the correct integrations are connected to each store. 

Target Audience

The Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator program is designed for individuals who have experience with the B2B Product from an Administration perspective. this program encompasses the breadth of applications, the features and functions available to an end-user, and the configuration and management options available to an administrator across B2B Commerce.
Typical Job Roles   
Project Manager
Knowledge Acquired      
The Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce candidate has the experience, skills, knowledge, and ability to:
Manage a Salesforce Org from an administration standpoint
Articulate the basic concepts and advantages of B2B Commerce
Understand the typical needs of a client when implementing cloud based Storefronts for B2B Commerce

About the Exam 

Course Outline

Task 1 – 
Overview: What is Commerce Cloud—B2B Commerce?
Managed package installation & setup process
Admin: CC Admin, Anonymous Checkout, User Checkout, CSR Checkout, Account, Contacts, Users, Related Lists
Accounts & Pricing: Account
Groups and Price Lists
Products: Standard Products, Categories, Product Specs, Filters, and Product Relationships
Task 2–
Products: Aggregated, Bundle, Kit, and Dynamic Kit
Marketing and User Interface Configuration: Promotions, Menus, Featured/Spotlight Products, Page Sections, Page Labels, and Localization
Pricing Strategies: Tiered Pricing
Task 3 – 
Pricing Strategies: Attribute Driven Commerce, Subscriptions, and Contract Pricing
Complex Configurations: Effective Accounts and Line Level Independence 

Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator Training Guide

ExamGood provides an exceptional experience for individuals preparing for the Salesforce B2B Commerce Administrator Exam with the following features:
Instant Download Upon Successful Purchase: Gain immediate access to your study materials right after a successful purchase. ExamGood ensures that you can start your preparation without any delays.
PDF and Software Versions Available: Tailor your study experience with the choice of PDF or software versions. ExamGood understands that different learners have different preferences, and flexibility is key to effective preparation.
Free Updates for One Year: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Salesforce B2B Commerce. ExamGood offers one year of free updates, ensuring that your study materials align with any changes in the exam content.
Immediate Refund in Case of Exam Failure: Your success is paramount. In the unfortunate event of not passing the exam, ExamGood provides an immediate refund, giving you the confidence to pursue your certification goals without financial concerns.
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