
Salesforce Salesforce Consultant ANC-301

Product Description

Exam Code:ANC-301

Exam Name:Implement and Manage CRM Analytics

Q&A:115 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood Salesforce ANC-301 preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your ANC-301 certification exam. Download the latest Implement and Manage CRM Analytics ANC-301 certification exam from

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ExamGood ANC-301 Exam Features
ANC-301: Implement and Manage CRM Analytics
Price: $2,700.00 USD
Duration: 3 Days
Level: Intermediate
Class Code: ANC-301

Course Overview

Take your CRM Analytics skills to the next level. In this 3-day, expert-led class, you’ll learn how to develop and implement a CRM Analytics environment that contains both Salesforce and non-Salesforce data. ANC-301 Our team of experts will walk you through CRM Analytics features and settings, user setup, how to load and transform data, data security, and how to modify queries to customize dashboards so you can work more efficiently, spot trends, and predict outcomes faster.

Course Objectives

Determine your user, data, and security requirements, and establish a development process.
Set up apps and control what users can do in CRM Analytics by assigning them licenses, permission sets, and app permissions.
Load external data to CRM Analytics.
Create and run data flow to load Salesforce data, and join it with data from other datasets.
Understand and use Data Sync effectively.
Understand Recipes and Data Prep.
Understand and implement data security in CRM Analytics, and override security for implementation and testing.
Understand how filters on dashboards function and be able to use interactions when necessary.
Understand a dashboard's JSON fi le.
Explain the process of dashboard queries and modify a query to meet specific analytic requirements.
Modify dataset metadata.

Who Should Attend?

This class is ideal for integration specialists or Salesforce Administrators who want to learn more about connecting and securing data in CRM Analytics. This course is also great for business analysts or developers interested in creating advanced dashboards.

What lessons and topics will be covered?

Discovery and Planning     
Meet for Discovery
Log In
Establish Users and Development Processes
User Setup and Apps            
Define User Access on the CRM Analytics Platform
Create CRM Analytics Permission Sets
Assign Licenses and Permission Sets to Users
Create and Share CRM Analytics Apps
Data Connection       
Define Data in CRM Analytics
Map Data
Work with CSV files
Use Data Manager
Implement Data Sync and Connections
Build Dataflows
Data Security               
Determine Security Requirements
Predicate Filters 
Predicate Filters and Salesforce Data
Assign Ownership-Based Row-Level Security
Determine Role-Based Row-Level Security
Override Security for Implementation and Testing
Implement Team-Based Row-Level Security 
Design Sharing Inheritance
Assess Key Considerations        
Apply Sharing Inheritance to a Dataset
Metadata in a Dataset            
Control Dataset Metadata
Access Salesforce Records with Dataset Actions
Dashboard Builds              
Get To Know the Dashboard
Build Dashboard Templates
Understand Dashboard JSON Files
Build a Dashboard Using a JSON File Template
Optimize a Dashboard for Mobile
Create a Mobile Layout
Advanced Dashboards and Interactions           
Optimize a Multi-Dataset Dashboard by Connecting Data Sources
Create a Dynamic Filter with a Result Interaction 
Adjust a Chart with Custom Queries
Dashboard Query Modification                
Add Derived Measures to Dashboards
Query Multiple Datasets in One Lens
Modify Complex Queries with SAQL/SQL
Evaluate Dashboard Performance with Dashboard Inspector

The Benefits of ExamGood Salesforce Consultant ANC-301 Exam Questions

Instant Access After Purchase: ExamGood provides immediate access to ANC-301: Implement and Manage CRM Analytics exam questions once you make a purchase. No waiting necessary. After a successful purchase, download the exam questions directly from your member area. Just check "my orders," and you can start preparing without delay.
Availability of PDF and Software Versions: ExamGood ANC-301: Implement and Manage CRM Analytics exam questions are available in both PDF and software formats, offering flexibility to users. The PDF version can be printed for those who prefer hard copies. Meanwhile, the software version can be used on any device, providing a convenient and flexible study experience.
Free Updates for a Year: ExamGood ANC-301: Implement and Manage CRM Analytics Exam Questions provides one year of free updates. This means that if the exam materials change or are updated, you'll receive these updates at no extra cost for a full year after your purchase. Additionally, for an extra $10, you can extend these updates to two years, ensuring that you always have the most up-to-date and relevant Salesforce Consultant ANC-301 exam materials.
Full Refund Upon Failure: ExamGood offers a full refund policy for users who do not pass ANC-301: Implement and Manage CRM Analytics exam, requiring only a sent score report for immediate refund, reflecting the company's confidence in its materials.
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