
Salesforce Salesforce Certified Administrator Certification ADX-201E

Product Description

Exam Code:ADX-201E

Exam Name:Lightning Experience Administrative Essentials for New Admins Extended

Q&A:243 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for success with our comprehensive guide to Lightning Experience essentials for new administrators. Get ready for the extended ADX-201E exam with confidence.

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ExamGood ADX-201E Exam Features
Essentials for New Lightning Experience Administrators - Extended ADX-201E Exam


Essentials for New Lightning Experience Administrators - Extended ADX-201E Exam is an extensive and interactive training that is essential for success with Salesforce Lightning. It is highly recommended for new administrators and should be completed before deploying Salesforce or taking over an existing deployment.
Discover the world of a Salesforce Administrator by working firsthand to configure and customize a Salesforce org. In this 5-day or 10-day class designed for new admins, our experts guide you through the important tasks and features that Salesforce Administrators encounter daily. Learn about Salesforce architecture, how to manage users, and how to keep your org secure. Dive into best practices surrounding customization, set up automations to improve efficiency, and create reports and dashboards for data analysis.


New system administrators responsible for setting up, configuring, and maintaining Salesforce ADX-201E applications.
Other groups, such as power users, sales operations, and IT managers, who want to deepen their knowledge of Salesforce Lightning Experience.


Customize your application in Lightning Experience, including page layouts, fields, tabs, and business processes.
Understand how security settings from Salesforce Classic are applied in Lightning.
Maintain and import clean data in Lightning.
Utilize Lightning features to create valuable reports and dashboards.
Gain insight into how workflow automation works in Lightning.


Navigating the App
Preparing Your Organization for User Access
User Setup and Management
Security and Data Access Controls
Customizing Objects
Data Management
Generating Reports and Dashboards
Automation Techniques
Support Process Managemen


ExamGood is a trusted online platform offering Essentials for New Lightning Experience Administrators - Extended ADX-201E Exam Questions to help you prepare for your certification journey. When you make a successful purchase, you'll have instant access to these valuable resources.
Our offerings come in two convenient formats: PDF and software versions. The PDF format allows for easy access and study on various devices, while the software version enhances your exam preparation experience with interactive features and simulations.
We understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest ADX-201E exam trends and changes. That's why we offer one year of free updates to ensure you have access to the most current materials and practice questions.
Your success is our priority. In the unfortunate event that you don't pass your exam after using our resources, we have a straightforward refund policy in place. We believe in the effectiveness of our materials, and if you don't achieve the desired results, you can request a refund without any hassle.
With ExamGood, you can confidently pursue your Essentials for New Lightning Experience Administrators - Extended ADX-201E certification knowing that you have a reliable partner in your exam preparation journey. If you have any further inquiries or require additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your success is our mission!
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