
SAS Institute Advanced Analytics Professional A00-226

Product Description

Exam Code:A00-226

Exam Name:SAS Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation, and Optimization

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood SAS Institute A00-226 preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your A00-226 certification exam. Download the latest SAS Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation, and Optimization A00-226 certification exam from Examgood.com

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ExamGood A00-226 Exam Features
A00-226: SAS Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation, and Optimization
SAS Certified Specialist:
Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation and Optimization 
For individuals who want to analyze big data with a variety of statistical analysis and predictive modeling techniques
Successful candidates should have experience in the following areas:
Text analytics
Experiment design for business
Optimization techniques
Time series forecasting

Exam Content & Pricing

This exam is administered by SAS and Pearson VUE.
50-55 multiple choice, short answer, and interactive questions.
Interactive questions simulate the SAS environment and ask you to complete a task.
110 minutes to complete exam (must achieve score of 68% correct to pass)
Use exam ID A00-226; required when registering with Pearson VUE
This exam is based on SAS 9.4
Successful candidates should have hands-on experience with a variety of SAS data preparation tools, including experience with the following analytical tools:
SAS Text Analytics
SAS® Data Management - centralized console screenshot on monitor
Exam fee: $180 USD in the U.S

Exam Content Guide

Below we provide a list of the objectives that will be tested on the exam. For more specific details about each objective download the complete exam content guide.
Text Analytics - 30%
Create data sources for text mining
Import data into SAS Text Analytics
Use text mining to support forensic linguistics using stylometry techniques
Retrieve information for Analysis
Parse and quantify Text
Perform predictive modeling on text data
Use the High-Performance (HP) Text Miner Node
Time Series - 30%
Identify and define time series characteristics, components and the families of time series models
Diagnose, fit, and interpret ARIMAX Models
Diagnose, fit, and interpret Exponential Smoothing Models
Diagnose, fit, and interpret Unobserved Components Models
Experimentation & Incremental Response Models - 20%
Explain the role of experiments in answering business questions
Relate experimental design concepts and terminology to business concepts and terminology
Explain how incremental response models can identify cases that are most responsive to an action
Use the Incremental Response node in SAS Enterprise Miner
Optimization - 20%
Optimize linear programs
Optimize nonlinear programs

Benefits of ExamGood SAS Institute Advanced Analytics Professional A00-226 Exam Questions

Instant Download: Once you buy A00-226: SAS Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation, and Optimization Exam Questions, there's no waiting around. You can download it immediately and get started with your study. This means you don't waste any time and can start learning straight away.
PDF and ice Software Download: Your A00-226: SAS Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation, and Optimization training materials have the choice of two formats. The PDF version can be printed for those who prefer to study from paper. The software version can be used on any device, allowing you to study wherever you like, whenever you have time.
One-Year Free Updates: ExamGood provides free updates for a year. This means your A00-226: SAS Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation, and Optimization study materials always match the latest exam questions. And for just $10 more, you can extend this update service to two years, ensuring your study materials stay current.
Refund Policy: ExamGood offers a money-back guarantee. If you fail the exam, just send them your score report. We will refund your money, making it a risk-free choice. This shows that ExamGood stands behind the quality of A00-226: SAS Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation, and Optimization materials and is committed to helping you succeed.
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