
SAS Institute Programming Associate A00-215

Product Description

Exam Code:A00-215

Exam Name:SAS 9.4 Programming Fundamentals Exam

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Don't miss out on this valuable resource to enhance your preparation for the A00-215: SAS 9.4 Programming Fundamentals Exam. Take advantage of ExamGood's convenient access, flexible formats, and comprehensive updates to maximize your chances of success.

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ExamGood A00-215 Exam Features
For programmers, statisticaprogrammers, and data analysts who want to build a strong SAS programming foundation to manipulate data, perform complex queries and simple analyses, and create reports.
Programming Associate
Master these skills to earn a certification.
SAS® Certified Associate: Programming Fundamentals Using SAS® 9.4
Explore and access SAS data sets.
Import and export non-SAS file formats.
Controdata execution with loops and conditionastatements.
Manipulate data with formulas and assignment statements.
Create basic detaiand summary reports using Base SAS procedures.
Sort and format SAS data using Base SAS procedures.


These objectives wilbe tested on the exam. For more information about each objective, download the complete exam content guide.
FundamentaSAS concepts.
Exploring SAS data sets.
Using the DATA step to access SAS data sets.
Using the DATA step to manipulate data.
Generating reports using PROC steps.
Using utility procedures.
Importing and exporting non-SAS files.


SAS 9.4 Programming Fundamentals exam
Use this exam ID to register: A00-215
This exam is administered by SAS and Pearson VUE.
60-65 multiple choice and short-answer questions.
120 minutes to complete exam.
Must achieve a score of 68% to pass.
This exam is based on SAS 9.4 M5.

Additiona SAS 9.4 Programming Fundamentals Exam Material 

ExamGood offers the A00-215: SAS 9.4 Programming Fundamentals Exam Questions, which is designed to provide comprehensive coverage of the exam syllabus. 
Instant download upon successful purchase: With ExamGood, there's no waiting around. As soon as your purchase is confirmed, you can immediately download the exam questions.
Multiple formats available: ExamGood offer both PDF and software versions of the exam questions. The PDF version can be easily accessed and printed. On the other hand, the software version gives you the flexibility to access the questions on any device without any restrictions. 
Free updates for one year: it's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and changes. ExamGood recognizes this and provides free updates to the exam questions for a period of one year. Extend updates for two years for an additional $10: If you want to further extend the validity of the updates, ExamGood offers an option to do so by paying a nominal fee of $10. 
Refund policy: ExamGood also offers a refund policy in case you are unable to pass the exam. If you fail the exam, simply send them your score report and they will provide an immediate refund, ensuring that you have a risk-free experience.
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