
SAS Institute SAS Institute Systems Certification A00-250

Product Description

Exam Code:A00-250

Exam Name:SAS Platform Administration for SAS9

Q&A:65 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood A00-250 certification training exam material including the examination question and the answer, complete by our senior IT lecturers and the SAS Institute Systems Certification product experts, included the current newest A00-250 examination questions.

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ExamGood A00-250 Exam Features
A00-250: SAS Platform Administration for SAS9
Master these skills to earn a certification. SAS® Certified Platform Administrator for SAS®9
For those who have the skills and knowledge necessary for the administration of the platform for SAS® Business Analytics
Successful candidates should be able to:
Secure the SAS configuration on each server machine.
Check status and operate servers.
Monitor server activity and administer logging.
Establish formal, regularly scheduled backup processes.
Add users and manage their access.
Establish connectivity to data sources.
Set up and secure metadata folder structures.
Administer repositories and move metadata.
Understand the interaction between SAS servers and operating systems


Candidates who earn this credential will have earned a passing score on the SAS® Platform Administration for SAS®9 exam.
This exam is administered by SAS and Pearson VUE.
65 multiple-choice questions (must achieve score of 66 percent correct to pass).
110 minutes to complete exam.
Use exam ID A00-250; required when registering with Pearson VUE.
This exam is based on the functionality available in SAS 9.4 Maintenance 6.
SAS® Data Management - centralized console screenshot on monitor
Exam fee: $180 USD in the U.S.


Below we provide a list of the objectives that will be tested on the exam. For more specific details about each objective download the complete exam content guide.
Managing the SAS Environment      
Secure a SAS platform configuration.
Update SAS Software
Work with the SAS Metadata Server
Promote metadata and associated content
Monitoring, Logging, and Troubleshooting SAS Servers       
Monitor SAS servers.
Administer SAS server logging and modify logging configurations.
Troubleshoot basic SAS server issues such as server availability.
Identify the properties and functionality of SAS servers
Backing Up the SAS Environment    
Backup and restore the SAS environment
Backup and restore Metadata
Administering Users       
Manage connection profiles.
Register users and groups in the metadata.
Determine when to store passwords in the metadata.
Give users access to processing servers and data servers.
Manage internal SAS accounts.
Identify SAS server authentication mechanisms.
Administering Data Access                
Register libraries and tables in the metadata.
Update table metadata.
Pre-assign a library.
Troubleshoot data access problems.
Use the metadata LIBNAME engine.
Managing Metadata           
Identify how the metadata authorization layer interacts with other security layers.
Identify where, how, and to whom metadata permissions are assigned.
Determine the outcome of metadata authorization decisions.
Use metadata permissions to secure metadata.
Create and use Access Control Templates.

Benefits of ExamGood SAS Institute Systems Certification A00-250 Exam Questions

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