
Nokia Nokia Optical Network Services Expert 4A0-220

Product Description

Exam Code:4A0-220

Exam Name:Nokia GMPLS-Controlled Optical Networks

Q&A:40 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Excel in the 4A0-220 Nokia GMPLS-controlled Optical Networks Exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study materials. Our expert resources empower you to master the intricacies of optical networking, paving the way for your certification success.

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ExamGood 4A0-220 Exam Features
4A0-220: Nokia GMPLS-controlled Optical Networks Exam

Exam overview 

This course is for network engineers, IT personnel, and network planning personnel who want to learn about optical network control using GMPLS. Participants will be introduced to the GMPLS protocol, architecture, and control plane features.
This course provides an introduction to controlling and managing optical networks using the Nokia GMPLS routing engine implementation (GMRE). Participants will learn how to use GMRE and Network Functions Manager for Transport (NFM-T) to perform provisioning and restoration in optical networks through lab exercises and case studies.

Exam details 

Exam name: Nokia GMPLS-controlled Optical Networks
Exam number: 4A0-220
Mandatory prerequisites: none
Exam duration: 90 Minutes
Exam appointment duration: 110 minutes. This is the exam duration plus a 20-minute introductory survey.
Number of questions: 40
Language: English
Price: $125 US

Course objectives

After completing the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the GMPLS protocol, including its behavior, control plane architecture, Label Switched Path (LSP) concept and metrics, handling of LSP information in different network scenarios, advantages, and working principles of key GMPLS protocols. They will also gain practical skills in working with the Nokia GMPLS routing engine, checking GMPLS messages with sniffing tools, implementing protection and restoration mechanisms at different layers, and understanding advanced survivability features and maintenance operations.

Course modules

Module 0 – Course Introduction
Module 1 – GMPLS CP Concept and Architecture
Module 2 – GMPLS Protocols
Module 3 – Protection and Restoration
Module 4 – GMPLS Maintenance and Operations

Exam preparation

ExamGood is a reliable platform that offers comprehensive exam questions for the 4A0-220 certification exam. With our study materials, you can confidently prepare for the exam and increase your chances of success.
Our exam questions are designed to cover all the important topics and concepts related to Nokia GMPLS-controlled optical networks. They are created by experienced professionals in the industry, ensuring their accuracy and relevance.
The PDF version of the exam questions allows you to study offline, while the software version provides a simulated exam environment for practice. Whichever version you choose, you can be assured of high-quality content that will help you effectively prepare for the exam.
Furthermore, ExamGood offers free updates for one year, ensuring that you have access to the latest exam questions and materials. This allows you to stay up-to-date with any changes or developments in the field of GMPLS-controlled optical networks.
In the unfortunate event that you fail the exam, ExamGood offers a prompt refund. We understand the importance of your investment and strive to provide the best support and assistance throughout your exam preparation journey.
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