
Nokia Nokia Service Routing Architect (SRA) 4A0-115

Product Description

Exam Code:4A0-115

Exam Name:Nokia Ethernet Virtual Private Network Services

Q&A:39 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare to succeed in The Nokia Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) Services 4A0-115 exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study materials. Gain the expertise needed to master Ethernet VPN Services and excel in your certification journey.

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ExamGood 4A0-115 Exam Features
The Nokia Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) Services 4A0-115 course teaches students how to deploy and operate EVPN Layer-2 and Layer-3 services, including EVPN concepts and terminology, different EVPN route types, and all-active and single-active multi-homing. The course includes hands-on lab exercises and is based on the model-driven command-line interface (MD-CLI).
Here are more details about the Nokia Ethernet Virtual Private Network Services (4A0-115) exam:

Exam Topics:

The exam covers a range of topics related to Ethernet Virtual Private Network Services (EVPN) on Nokia Service Routers. Some of the key areas covered in the exam include:
EVPN Fundamentals: Understanding the basics of Ethernet VPNs, including EVPN types, architecture, and terminology.
Configuration and Management: Configuring and managing EVPN services on Nokia Service Routers, including route policies, route targets, and instance-level configurations.
VXLAN Fundamentals: Knowledge of Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) technology, its benefits, and its integration with EVPN.
Interoperability: Understanding how EVPN integrates with other networking protocols and technologies, including BGP, MPLS, and IP routing.
Troubleshooting: Identifying and troubleshooting common issues and problems that may arise in EVPN deployments.

Exam Format:

Exam name: Nokia Ethernet Virtual Private Network Services 
Exam number: 4A0-115
Mandatory prerequisites: none
Exam duration: 90 Minutes
Exam appointment duration: 110 minutes. This is the exam duration plus a 20-minute introductory survey.
Number of questions: 40
Language: English
Price: $125 US


While there are no strict prerequisites for taking the exam, candidates are expected to have a solid understanding of networking concepts and Nokia Service Router configurations. It is recommended to have practical experience with Nokia Service Routers and EVPN technologies.
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Course objectives

The Nokia Ethernet Virtual Private Network Services Course covers basic EVPN concepts, the use of EVPN for ELAN, Layer-3, and ELINE services, different forwarding models, multi-homing, designated forwarder election procedure, aliasing mechanism, Ethernet segment failure handling, and connectivity between sites across EVPN and non-EVPN networks. The course also includes configuration and verification of EVPN Layer-2 and Layer-3 services, as well as multi-homing.

Benefits of Using ExamGood's Study Materials

ExamGood's study materials for The Nokia Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) Services 4A0-115 exam come with a range of features that make them unique and valuable. These features include:
Immediate Download
Once you purchase the study materials, you can immediately download them from the ExamGood website. This means that you can start studying right away without any delays.
PDF and Software Versions
ExamGood offers both PDF and software versions of their study materials. This gives candidates the flexibility to choose the format that best suits their learning style.
One-Year Free Updates
The study materials come with one year of free updates. This means that candidates can stay up-to-date with any changes to the exam content or format.
Money-Back Guarantee
ExamGood offers a money-back guarantee if a candidate fails the exam after using their study materials. This demonstrates their confidence in the quality and effectiveness of their materials.
The study materials cover all the topics and concepts that are included in the exam, ensuring that candidates are well-prepared for the actual exam.

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