
Nokia Nokia Optical Network Professional 4A0-205

Product Description

Exam Code:4A0-205

Exam Name:Nokia Optical Networking Fundamentals

Q&A:40 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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4A0-205: Nokia OpticaNetworking Fundamentals Exam

Course overview

This 4-day course is designed for engineers, IT, and network planning personnel who need to learn the basic principles and practices of optical networking. It introduces network equipment, interworking principles, node functionalities, main transport technologies, and basic concepts related to protection, restoration, control, and management. Additionally, the main concepts of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) transmission systems (principles, standards, and components) are covered. Within the course, there are three main themes: optical network design, network elements, and the network management system. Participants will become familiarized with the Engineering and Planning Tool (EPT) and they will practice with Switched WDM nodes (including the Photonic Service Switch family – PSS-32 and PSS-24x) and learn how to manage the network through the Network Functions Manager for Transport (NFM-T). Ultimately, this course explains several basic use cases and reinforces this knowledge through practical lab exercises where participants design and build a simple optical network using the 1830 EPT and NFM-T on an 1830 PSS-based network.

Course objectives

After completing the course, students should be able to:
Describe optical signal propagation in optical networks
Identify the typical building blocks of a WDM network 
Describe the functionalities of the WDM building blocks 
Identify the main engineering parameters that characterize the network equipment
Compute the power budget for an optical link 
Describe the concept of trail and service 
Identify the typical architectures for a WDM node 
Classify the network levels and topologies 
Get connected to 1830 PSS SWDM nodes using CLI, WebUI, and NFM-T 
Recognize the main alarms, conditions, logs, and performance metrics 
Perform channel power monitoring using Wavelength Tracker functionalities 
Verify the main elements of a previously designed network through EPT
Design a simple network using 1830 EPT 
Describe the NFM-T infrastructure and list its components 
Get connected to NFM-T and explore the main menus
Introduce the concepts of protection and restoration
Introduce the main features of Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) protocol 
Verify the restoration and protection implementation in NFM-T 
Explain survivability and availability principles 
Perform the commissioning of a single network (bus or ring) through NFM-T by using the created EPT design

Course modules

Module 0 – Course Introduction
Module 1 – Introduction to WDM networks
Optical Transmission
WDM Fundamentals
Building Blocks
OTN hierarchy, trails, and services switching
Network types: levels and topologies
Module 2 – Basics of SWDM nodes
SWDM (photonic and switched) nodes
SWDM alarms, conditions, logs, and PMs
Wavelength Tracker
Module 3 – Basics of Optical Network Design
EPT interface and terminology
Network creation, analysis, and reporting
Module 4 – Basics of the Network Management System
Introduction to NFM-T
Introduction to NSP
Module 5 – Protection and restoration
Foundation of survivability and availability
Path protection
Module 6 – SWDM-based optical network management
SWDM nodes supervision on NFM-T
Network commissioning steps

Course material

ExamGood offers the 4A0-205 Nokia OpticaNetworking Fundamentals Exam Questions for immediate download upon successful purchase. The package includes both PDF and software versions of the exam questions. Additionally, you will receive free updates for one year.
In the event that you do not pass the exam, ExamGood offers an immediate refund. Their guarantee ensures that you can confidently prepare for the 4A0-205 exam without any financial risk.
With ExamGood, you can access a comprehensive set of exam questions that will aid in your preparation for the Nokia OpticaNetworking Fundamentals Exam. Their materials are regularly updated to align with the latest exam syllabus and ensure that you have the most relevant and up-to-date content.
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