In this bundles promotion page you could get the biggest discount for your training exam material from our site directly. Just one time purchase is ok. Save you time and your money today. If you also need other bundles exams you also mail us then we can add the new bundles exam for you especially.


To earn this Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification, you must pass 350-801 CLCOR and 300-820 CLCEI exams.


350-801 CLCOR Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR)

300-820 CLCEI Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions (CLCEI)

Note: To earn Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification, you can also choose other exam (300-810 CLICA, 300-815 CLACCM, 300-820 CLCEI or 300-835 CLAUTO exam) as the concentration test. If you need other concentration test, you can contact us to change after you make the payment. 

300-815: Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control and Mobility Services (CLACCM)

300-810: Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications (CLICA)

300-825: Implementing Cisco Collaboration Conferencing (CLCNF)

300-835: Automating Cisco Collaboration Solutions


In order to make the purchase more convenient and efficient for our customers. ExamGood Bundle Sales is a collection of exams that a specific certification required according to the related official site, it also can give you a good direction to prepare for the certification exam. Once purchase the training exam material which in our bundle sales units, you can enjoy more than 35 discount per exam, and one year free updating.


The Bundles Sales can save your time and money, why not buy now?

Study the latest Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification 350-801 CLCOR and 300-820 CLCEI training questions to prepare the two exams.

$48.00 2025-03-30 350-801
Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR)
$48.00 2025-03-30 300-820
Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions (CLCEI)
Price : $60.00
Add to cart

If you choose this bundles you could enjoy both the PDF and software, because the software is free for you. So what are you waiting for?

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