
Cisco CCNP Collaboration 350-801

Product Description

Exam Code:350-801

Exam Name:Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR)

Q&A:438 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood professional provides latest Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR) 350-801 study materials, completely covers 350-801 exam knowledge points.

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ExamGood 350-801 Exam Features

Exam Description: 

Implementing Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies v1.1 (CLCOR 350-801) is a 120-minute exam associated with the CCNP and CCIE Collaboration Certifications. This exam certifies a candidate's knowledge of implementing core collaboration technologies including infrastructure and design, protocols, and endpoints, Cisco IOS XE gateway and media resources, Call Control, QoS, and collaboration applications. The course, Implementing Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies, helps candidates to prepare for this exam.

350-801 CLCOR v1.1 Exam Topics

What you’ll learn in this course

The Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR) course helps you prepare for advanced-level roles focused on implementation and operation of Cisco collaboration solutions. You will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement and deploy core collaboration and networking technologies, including infrastructure and design, protocols, codecs, and endpoints, Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS®) XE gateway and media resources, call control, Quality of Service (QoS), and additional Cisco collaboration applications. This course earns you 64 Continuing Education (CE) credits towards recertification.
This course helps prepare you to take the exam:
350-801 Implementing Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR)
After you pass this exam, you earn Cisco Certified Specialist - Collaboration Core certification and satisfy the core requirement for these certifications:
CCNP Collaboration
CCIE Collaboration

How you'll benefit

This course will help you:
Integrate and troubleshoot Cisco Unified Communications Manager with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for user synchronization and user authentication
Implement Cisco Unified Communications Manager provisioning features
Configure and troubleshoot collaboration endpoints
Earn 64 credits toward recertification

How to pass 350-801 CLCOR v1.1 Exam?

ExamGood 350-801 CLCOR v1.1 Questions provides a comprehensive and convenient solution for your exam preparation. 
Immediate download: After a successful purchase, there is no need to wait. You can instantly download the materials and begin your preparation right away.
Multiple formats available: We offer both PDF and software versions of the questions. The PDF version allows you to easily print the questions and study offline. On the other hand, the software version has no restrictions and can be accessed on any device.
Free updates for one year: We offer free updates for one year from the date of purchase. By paying just $10, you can extend the updates to two years. This allows you to continue benefiting from the latest 350-801 CLCOR v1.1 questions and ensures that your preparation remains relevant and effective for a longer period of time.
Hassle-free refund policy: If you fail the exam, simply send us your score report, and we will provide you with an immediate refund.
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