
Scaled Agile SAFe for Teams SP-SAFe-Practitioner

Product Description

Exam Code:SP-SAFe-Practitioner

Exam Name:SAFe for Teams SP (6.0) - SAFe Practitioner

Q&A:90 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Navigate the path to HP Aruba Certified Switching Professional (ACSP) V1 success with ExamGood's SAFe-Practitioner study guide. Elevate your networking skills and knowledge to achieve certification success confidently in the evolving landscape of IT networking.

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ExamGood SP-SAFe-Practitioner Exam Features
The SAFe® 6.0 Practitioner program is designed for those who are part of an Agile Release Train (ART) that will teach you how to work in an agile setting using Scrum, Kanban, and XP. Additionally, this course will show you how to create an agile team’s backlog, plan and carry out iterations, and become an agile team yourself. Agile teams can collaborate with other teams when planning, carrying out, and improving their ART. 
The Certified SAFe® Practitioner is a designation provided by Scaled Agile, Inc. who complete a two-day training delivered by a SAFe® Programme Consultant and pass the SAFe®6.0 Practitioner certification exam, proving their proficiency with the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®). 

SP-SAFe-Practitioner: SAFe for Teams SP (6.0) Exam Overview:

SAFe® Practitioner (SP) 6.0 Training Key Highlights

Roles in SAFe®: The role of the team on the Agile Release Train (ART).
Working with teams: Comprehending the roles of the other teams on the ART and their interdependencies.
Iterations: Plan and implement iterations and exhibit value.
Program increments: Planning program increments, blending, and executing with other teams on the ART.
SAFe® Agile principles: Strong understanding of the SAFe® Agile principles and how to implement them in the real world.
Productive Agile team member: Know more about functioning as a member of an Agile team on an Agile Release Train.
Constant improvement: Getting a mastery over the concept of constant improvement in the team and the Agile Release Train.

Exam Sections and Percentages

Lesson 1: Introducing SAFe (6-12%)
Lesson 2: Forming Agile Teams as Trains (15-21%)
Lesson 3: Connect to the Customer (9-14%)
Lesson 4: Plan the Work (21-25%)
Lesson 5: Deliver Value (13-18%)
Lesson 6: Get Feedback (6-12%)
Lesson 7: Improve Relentlessly (13-18%)

SAFe® Practitioner (SP) 6.0 Exam Material 

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