Scaled Agile SAFe Government Practitioner SAFE-SGP

Product Description

Exam Code:SAFE-SGP

Exam Name:SAFe 5 Government Practitioner Exam (5.0)

Q&A:45 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Embark on the journey of government agile transformation with ExamGood's SAFE-SGP: SAFe 5 Government Practitioner Exam (5.0) resources. Our expertly crafted study materials ensure a smooth path to certification success in the evolving landscape of government agility.

SAFE-SGP Demo download

SAFE-SGP PDF Version Demo

 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
Testing Engine(Software Version) $20.00 $10.00
Total     $98.00 $48.00
ExamGood SAFE-SGP Exam Features
A Certified SAFe® 5 Government Practitioner (SGP) is a SAFe change agent who uses principles and practices of the Scaled Agile Framework® to execute and release value through Agile Release Trains in order to lead a Lean-Agile transformation of a program inside a government agency.

Exam Detail

When you are ready to take the exam, log into the SAFe Community Platform to access the exam.
When the exam timer ends, the exam will be submitted, regardless of the number of questions answered. A score will be calculated based on the number of questions answered. Unanswered questions will be automatically marked as incorrect. If you finish answering all questions before the exam timer ends, you can click the “Submit” button and your score will be calculated.

What you’ll learn

To perform the role of a SAFe® for Government leader, you should be able to: 
Transition government programs from traditional software and systems development models to Lean-Agile and DevOps mindsets, principles, and practices using SAFe
Adapt technology strategy, budgeting and forecasting, acquisition, compliance, and governance processes to flow based practices using emerging government guidelines
Organize government programs into one or more Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and execute in Program Increments (PIs)
Explore Large Solution coordination in a government and multi-vendor environment
Identify and internalize the mindset and leader behaviors essential to successful Lean-Agile transformation
Follow success patterns for SAFe implementations adapted to the government context
Build a preliminary outline of next steps to begin and/or accelerate the SAFe implementation in your program or agency

Topics Covered

Advancing Lean-Agile in government    11%
Embracing a Lean-Agile mindset   7%
Understanding SAFe Principles      18%
Creating high-performing Agile teams and programs    9%
Planning with cadence and synchronization     11% 
Delivering value in Program Increments    7%     
Mapping the path to agency and program agility     31%
Leading successful change      6%  

Exam Study Guide: SGP - SAFe Government Practitioner

ExamGood presents SAFE-SGP: SAFe 5 Government Practitioner Exam (5.0) Exam Questions with a focus on four key features for an optimal certification preparation experience:
Instant Download Upon Successful Purchase: Access your study materials immediately after a successful purchase, eliminating unnecessary waiting times.
PDF and Software Versions Available: Choose between PDF and software versions based on your preferences. PDFs are ready for direct printing, and the software version is compatible with any operating system, providing flexibility without usage restrictions.
Free One-Year Updates, Extendable to Two Years: Enjoy one year of complimentary updates to keep your study materials current. Extend this service to two years for an additional $10, ensuring your preparation aligns with the latest SAFE-SGP (SAFe 5 Government Practitioner) Exam content.
Immediate Refund in Case of Exam Failure: ExamGood prioritizes customer satisfaction. In the event of exam failure, submit your results, and you are eligible for an immediate refund, showcasing ExamGood's confidence in the quality of their materials and commitment to customer success. 
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