
IBM IBM Cloud Pak for Security V1.10 Administrator Specialty S2000-021

Product Description

Exam Code:S2000-021

Exam Name:IBM Cloud Pak for Security V1.10 Administrator Specialty

Q&A:100 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood S2000-021 certification training exam material including the examination question and the answer, complete by our senior IT lecturers and the IBM Cloud Pak for Security V1.10 Administrator Specialty product experts, included the current newest S2000-021 examination questions.

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ExamGood S2000-021 Exam Features
S2000-021: IBM Cloud Pak for Security V1.10 Administrator Specialty

Certification Overview

A candidate for IBM Cloud Pak for Security v1.10 Administrator Specialty has knowledge and experience with Cloud Pak for Security. This administrator is capable of performing basic tasks related to the daily management and operation, configuration, security and/or problem determination. They have an understanding of the security structure of their organization. The Cloud Pak for Security Administrator is responsible for understanding how Data Explorer, Threat Intelligence Insights, Threat Investigator, and Cases are configured.

Recommended Skills

Key Areas of Competency      
Knowledge of Cloud Pak for Security user administration
Basic understanding of cloud architecture
High level understanding of Cloud Pak for Security components
Knowledge of STIX/TAXII based threat and security feeds
Working knowledge of basic troubleshooting techniques
Knowledge of XDR Connect Threat Management concepts
Basic understanding of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
Ability to connect IBM and third-party data sources and assets
Knowledge of the Cloud Pak for Security product features, use cases and applications
Prerequisite Knowledge          
Knowledge and foundational skills one must possess before acquiring skills measured on the certification test. These foundational skills are NOT measured on the test.
Knowledge of computer security principles, such as cloud security VPNs, user management best practices, certificates, and networking
High level system administration experience


Exam Objectives

During exam development, the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) define all of the tasks, knowledge and experience that an individual would need in order to successfully fulfill their role with the product or solution. These are represented by the objectives below and the questions on the exam are based upon these objectives.
Number of questions: 40
Number of questions to pass: 24
Time allowed: 75 minutes
Section 1: Architecture23%
Section 2: Administration35%
Section 3: Operations27%
Section 4: Troubleshooting15%

Exam Resources

Extensive hands-on product knowledge is required to pass the test.
These learning sources are recommended, but not required before taking this test.
You must be logged in to the Security Learning Academy for the link to the self-study course to work properly. If you see an error message after clicking a link, log in and retry the link.
Every effort has been made to make the recommended learning sources as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty of fitness is implied. The learning sources provided are on an 'as is' basis. IBM shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from course or publication content.

Benefits of ExamGood IBM S2000-021 Exam Questions

Instant Download: As soon as your purchase is complete, your S2000-021: IBM Cloud Pak for Security V1.10 Administrator Specialty exam questions are available for download. This immediate access allows for efficient and convenient study time.
PDF and ice Software Available: ExamGood provides S2000-021: IBM Cloud Pak for Security V1.10 Administrator Specialty exam questions in both PDF and software versions. The PDF format allows for easy printing, while the software version enables users to access the questions on any device without limitations.
Free One-Year Updates: Customers receive free updates for one year to ensure their S2000-021: IBM Cloud Pak for Security V1.10 Administrator Specialty study materials stay current with the exam syllabus. For an additional $10, this update period can be extended to two years for continued access to updated IBM S2000-021 study materials.
Refund Policy: If you unfortunately fail the exam, ExamGood offers a prompt refund upon submission of the exam score. This policy reflects their commitment to customer satisfaction and confidence in the quality of their S2000-021: IBM Cloud Pak for Security V1.10 Administrator Specialty exam preparation materials.
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