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IBM IBM Certified Administrator - IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 C1000-150
Product Description
Exam Code:C1000-150
Exam Name:IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 Administration
Q&A:60 Q&As
Updated: 01-21-2025
Number: |
ExamGood professional provides latest IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 Administration C1000-150 study materials, completely covers C1000-150 exam knowledge points. With our completed C1000-150 resources, you will minimize your IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 Administration cost and be ready to pass your C1000-150 exam.
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ExamGood C1000-150 Exam Features
C1000-150: IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 Administration
Certification Overview
The IBM Certified Administrator on IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 is an intermediate-level certification for system administrators with extensive knowledge of IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3. The certified administrator can handle installation, configuration, management, operation, security, performance, updates, customization, and problem determination. However, the certification does not cover the installation of Red Hat OpenShift.
Recommended Skills
1. Basic concepts of Docker and Kubernetes
2. Ability to write scripts in YAML
3. Working knowledge of Linux
4. Working knowledge of OpenShift command-line interface, web GUI, and monitoring
5. Basic knowledge of Kafka, Elastic Search, Kibana, and HDFS
6. Working knowledge of relational databases and LDAP
7. Basic knowledge of event-driven architecture.
Exam C1000-150: IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 Administration
Exam Objectives
The IBM Certified Administrator on IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 is an intermediate certification for system administrators with extensive knowledge of IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3. The certification covers tasks related to installation, configuration, management, operation, security, performance, updates, customization, and problem determination, but does not cover the installation of Red Hat OpenShift.
Number of questions: 60
Number of questions to pass: 39
Time allowed: 90 minutes
Status: Live
Section 1: Planning and Install 26%
Section 2: Troubleshooting 27%
Section 3: Security 17%
Section 4: Resiliency 10%
Section 5: Management 20%
Benefits of ExamGood IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation v21.0.3 C1000-150 Exam Questions
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