
IBM IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty S2000-016

Product Description

Exam Code:S2000-016

Exam Name:IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty

Q&A:110 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood professional provides latest IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty S2000-016 study materials, completely covers S2000-016 exam knowledge points. With our completed S2000-016 resources, you will minimize your IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty cost and be ready to pass your S2000-016 exam.

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ExamGood S2000-016 Exam Features
S2000-016: IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty

Certification Overview

The IBM Cloud DevSecOps specialty prepares cloud professionals to explain the benefits and underlying concepts of DevSecOps and has practical experience of implementing DevSecOps processes and solutions for clients. They can advise stakeholders on how to adopt DevSecOps practices, technologies, toolchain, overcome organizational cultural barriers, and realize the business benefits of DevSecOps. They can also demonstrate how the leading industry, open, and IBM Cloud Services offerings can help customers realize these benefits.
Preparing for an ICCT Specialty Exam        
Candidates interested in pursuing this exam are recommended to have already earned either the Professional Architect, Professional Developer, or Professional SRE certification.

Recommended Skills

Ability To:           
Demonstrate knowledge of Cloud concepts and architectural principles
Evaluate customers current state, requirements, and vision to architect an IBM Cloud solution
Provide solution recommendations based on current industry best practices
Plan and implement cloud ready applications
Enhance cloud applications using managed services
Manage applications using continuous delivery toolchains and other Cloud services
Use Cloud Services to secure applications


Exam Objectives

During exam development, the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) define all of the tasks, knowledge and experience that an individual would need in order to successfully fulfill their role with the product or solution. These are represented by the objectives below and the questions on the exam are based upon these objective.
Number of questions: 41
Number of questions to pass: 27
Time allowed: 75 minutes
Section 1: DevSecOps Principles, Practices, Architecture, and Methods12%
Section 2: Adopting DevSecOps10%
Section 3: DevSecOps Toolchain32%
Section 4: Deploying DevSecOps with IBM Cloud Schematics12%
Section 5: Security with DevSecOps17%
Section 6: Day 2 Operations with DevSecOps17%

Exam Resources

Courses and publications are offered to help you prepare for the certification tests. The courses are recommended, but not required, before taking a certification test. When preparing for the certification test, keep in mind that real world experience is required to stand a reasonable chance of passing the certification test.  Courseware does not replace the requirement for experience.  Please note that course offerings are continuously being added and updated.

Benefits of ExamGood IBM S2000-016 Exam Questions

Instant Download: As soon as your purchase is complete, your S2000-016: IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty exam questions are available for download. This immediate access allows for efficient and convenient study time.
PDF and ice Software Available: ExamGood provides S2000-016: IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty exam questions in both PDF and software versions. The PDF format allows for easy printing, while the software version enables users to access the questions on any device without limitations.
Free One-Year Updates: Customers receive free updates for one year to ensure their S2000-016: IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty study materials stay current with the exam syllabus. For an additional $10, this update period can be extended to two years for continued access to updated IBM S2000-016 study materials.
Refund Policy: If you unfortunately fail the exam, ExamGood offers a prompt refund upon submission of the exam score. This policy reflects their commitment to customer satisfaction and confidence in the quality of their S2000-016: IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty exam preparation materials.
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