Okta Certified Developer

Okta Okta Customer Identity Okta Certified Developer

Product Description

Exam Code:Okta Certified Developer

Exam Name:Okta Certified Developer Exam

Q&A:93 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Leverage ExamGood's comprehensive resources to excel in the Okta Customer Identity Okta Certified Developer Exam. Our expert study materials equip you with the knowledge and skills essential for success in the dynamic field of identity and access management, ensuring your achievement of this prestigious certification.

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 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
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ExamGood Okta-Certified-Developer Exam Features
Okta Customer Identity Okta Certified Developer Exam 
Okta Certified Developers are technically proficient at building secure, seamless experiences using Okta APIs and SDKs. Developers have experience working with RESTful APIs and developing web applications. They have general understanding of authentication and authorization standards such as OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth, as well as how Okta supports these standards for building authentication, flexible authorization, and role-base access control. Developers also have experience configuring authorization with API Access Management and implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) with OIDC. They have working knowledge of Okta Lifecycle Management and administrative APIs.

Become an Okta Certified Developer via our hands-on exam on Okta Classic

About this course
Okta Certified Developers are technically proficient at building secure, seamless experiences using Okta APIs and SDKs. Developers have experience working with RESTful APIs and developing web applications. They have general understanding of authentication and authorization standards such as OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth, as well as how Okta supports these standards for building authentication, flexible authorization, and role-base access control. Developers also have experience configuring authorization with API Access Management and implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) with OIDC. They have working knowledge of Okta Lifecycle Management and administrative APIs.
The Okta Developer Certification exam is a proctored online exam. It consists of two parts:
Part I = 45 DOMC (Discrete Option Multiple Choice items
Part II = Four performance-based hands-on use cases
Total Exam Time = 150 minutes (60 minutes for Part I and 90 minutes for Part II)
250 USD Base Price (100 USD Retake Price)
Preparation Resources
Okta Certified Developer Exam Study Guide
About the Okta Certified Developer Exam Study Guide
Prep Resource for Part I of the Exam
Okta Developer Certification Exam Prep Webinar
Prep Videos for Part II of the Exam
Downloading and Setting Up Postman
Creating an OIDC App and testing it with OIDC Debugger
Creating a glitch account and remixing a glitch project
Certification Program Resources
Certification Program Handbook
Certification Program Agreement
Examity User Guide
The Exam
Taking the Exam
Okta Certified Developer Exam

Unlock Your Potential as an Okta Certified Developer

With ExamGood's resources, you're well on your way to becoming an Okta Certified Developer for Customer Identity. This esteemed certification is your key to unlocking new opportunities and demonstrating your expertise in identity security.
Instant Access for Immediate Progress: Your journey towards Okta Certified Developer status starts immediately after purchase. ExamGood ensures that you have instant access to a rich array of study materials to facilitate your preparation.
Choose Your Ideal Format: Everyone has their unique learning style. That's why we offer the flexibility to choose between PDF and software versions of our study materials. Tailor your preparation to align with your learning preferences and convenience.
Stay Current with Free Annual Updates: The world of identity and access management is dynamic, and staying up-to-date is paramount. With ExamGood, you receive free updates for a full year, keeping you well-prepared with the latest exam content.
Assured Support, Even in Case of Exam Setbacks: Your success is our priority. In the event of an unexpected exam failure, our money-back guarantee protects your investment, ensuring peace of mind.
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