Okta Certified Consultant

Okta Level 3: Consultant Okta Certified Consultant

Product Description

Exam Code:Okta Certified Consultant

Exam Name:Okta Certified Consultant

Q&A:105 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Begin your journey towards becoming an Okta Certified Consultant with ExamGood. Our top-tier study materials offer the essential support and guidance required to achieve this valuable credential and advance your career in the realm of identity and access management and security.

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ExamGood Okta-Certified-Consultant Exam Features
Okta Level 3: Okta Certified Consultant Exam
Okta Certified Consultants are technically proficient at implementing the Okta service in a variety of configurations. Consultants have experience integrating common applications with Okta. They also have extensive knowledge and experience scoping and implementing complex Okta integrations involving multi-forest and multi-domain environments, advanced single sign-on (SSO), and inbound federation with Okta. Consultants have working knowledge of Okta APIs and custom configuration options.
In order to achieve the Consultant Certification, you must first earn your Okta Professional and Administrator Certifications.
Choose one of the exam formats below to earn your Certification:

Become an Okta Certified Consultant via our DOMC exam on Okta Classic

About this course
Okta Certified Consultants are technically proficient at implementing the Okta service in a variety of configurations. Consultants have experience integrating common applications, such as, Office 365, G Suite, Box, and Salesforce with Okta. They also have extensive knowledge and experience scoping and implementing complex Okta integrations involving multi-forest and multi-domain environments, advanced single sign-on (SSO), and inbound federation with Okta. Consultants have working knowledge of Okta APIs and custom configuration options.
The Okta Consultant Certification Exam is a proctored online exam.
60 DOMC (Discrete Option Multiple Choice) items
Total Exam Time = 90 minutes 
300 USD Base Price (100 USD Retake Price)
Preparation Resources
Okta Certified Consultant Exam Study Guide
About the Okta Certified Consultant Exam Study Guide
Taking the Exam
Okta Certified Consultant Exam

Become an Okta Certified Consultant via our hands-on exam on OIE

About this course
Okta Certified Consultants are technically proficient at implementing the Okta service in a variety of configurations. Consultants have experience integrating common applications, such as, Office 365, G Suite, Box, and Salesforce with Okta. They also have extensive knowledge and experience scoping and implementing complex Okta integrations involving multi-forest and multi-domain environments, advanced single sign-on (SSO), and inbound federation with Okta. Consultants have working knowledge of Okta APIs and custom configuration options.
The Okta Certified Consultant Hands-On Configuration exam assesses your knowledge and skill in a live Okta environment. The exam is based on the Okta Identity Engine (OIE) platform. Experience performing Okta implementation activities is needed to do well on this exam. 
The Okta Certified Consultant Hands-On Configuration exam is a proctored online exam.
Exam consists of two parts:
Part I = 47 Discrete Option Multiple Choice (DOMC) items
Part II = Four performance-based hands-on use cases
Total Exam Time = 180 minutes (60 minutes for Part I and 120 minutes for Part II)
300 USD Base Price (100 USD Retake Price)
Preparation Resources
Okta Certified Consultant Hands-On Configuration Exam Study Guide
About the Okta Certified Consultant Hands-On Configuration Exam Study Guide
The Exam
Taking the Exam
Okta Certified Consultant Hands-On Configuration Exam

Unlock Your Path to Okta Certified Consulting Success

Embark on your journey to becoming an Okta Certified Consultant with ExamGood's comprehensive resources designed to guide you to success in the Okta Level 3 certification. We understand the importance of professional certifications in the fast-evolving world of identity and access management. That's why we offer an array of resources that are tailored to meet your unique learning style.
Immediate Access for Timely Preparation: Your quest to attain the Okta Level 3 certification begins the moment you make a purchase. We provide you with instant access to a wealth of study materials, ensuring that your preparation starts without delay.
Choose Your Preferred Format: Everyone has their preferred method of learning. With ExamGood, you have the freedom to select between PDF and software versions of our study materials. Opt for the format that aligns with your learning preferences and convenience.
Stay Current with Free Annual Updates: In a dynamic field like identity and access management, staying up-to-date is crucial. With ExamGood, you receive free updates for an entire year to ensure that you're always well-prepared with the latest exam content.
We Have Your Back, Even in Case of Exam Failure: At ExamGood, your success is our top priority. In the unlikely event of an exam failure, our money-back guarantee safeguards your investment, offering peace of mind.

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