The Open Group Enterprise Architecture OGEA-10B

Product Description

Exam Code:OGEA-10B

Exam Name:TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Bridge Exam (English)

Q&A:104 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for success with our comprehensive OGEA-10B exam description. Dive deep into TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Bridge concepts and elevate your expertise for seamless transition to TOGAF® standards.

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ExamGood OGEA-10B Exam Features
OGEA-10B: TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Bridge Exam

Exam Summary

Exam Number: OGEA-10B (English)
Summary: This is the bridge path to the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner certification which is based on the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition. For more information see the TOGAF Certification Portfolio page.
Qualification upon passing: TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner
Delivered at: Authorized Examination Provider Test Centers, and via Online Proctored
Prerequisites: TOGAF 9 Certified
Supervised: Yes
Open Book: This is a hybrid open book exam, an electronic copy of the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Body of Knowledge is built into the exam and becomes available for Section 2 only. Once you start Section 2 you cannot return to Section 1. Please note this is in English.  No hardcopy books may be used at test centers. (*)
Exam type: Simple Multiple Choice and Scenario Based, Complex Multiple Choice
Number of questions: 10 Simple Multiple Choice and 4 Scenario Based Complex Multiple Choice
Pass score: 60% (18 out of 30 points)
Time limit: 60 minutes, split as follows: 20 minutes on Section 1, and 40 minutes on Section 2(**)
Retake policy: If you fail the test you must wait one month before another attempt
Syllabus/Conformance Requirements: X2203
Recommended Training: An Accredited Training Course covering the conformance requirements. See the Register of Accredited Training Courses. (****)
Next Step:
Take the exam after training with a TOGAF Accredited Training Course provider
Self-study and Schedule your exam with The Open Group Exam provide

ExamGood OGEA-10B: TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Bridge Exam Questions

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