
The Open Group Enterprise Architecture OGEA-103

Product Description

Exam Code:OGEA-103

Exam Name:TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam

Q&A:110 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood offers trusted materials to help you excel in the TOGAF OGEA-103 Exam, ensuring you're well-prepared for TOGAF Enterprise Architecture certification.

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ExamGood OGEA-103 Exam Features

TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 OGEA-103 Exam

This is a test for TOGAF Enterprise Architecture certification at Level 2. It covers Part 1 and Part 2 and is for candidates who want to achieve this certification directly.
Exam Name: TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2
Exam Number: OGEA-103
Qualification upon passing: TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner
Delivered at: Authorized Examination Provider Test Centers
Prerequisites: None
Supervised: Yes
Open Book: Dependent on section. This examination comprises two separate sections. The TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 1 section is CLOSED Book. The TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 2 section is OPEN book. An electronic copy of the Body of Knowledge is built into the exam and becomes available in Part 2 only (*).
Exam type: The exam comprises two sections. Section 1: 40 Simple Multiple Choice questions + Section 2: 8 Scenario Based, Complex Multiple Choice
Number of questions: 48
Pass score: To pass the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam, you must score at least 60% on both parts, which means 24 or more points out of a maximum of 40 points. Failing either part means failing the entire exam, but you only need to retake the failed section(s).
Time limit: The TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Exam consists of two parts, with a total time limit of 150 minutes. Part 1 has a time limit of 60 minutes, and Part 2 has a time limit of 90 minutes. Once Part 1 is completed, it cannot be revisited, and there is no break between the two parts.
Retake policy: Failing the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam requires a one-month waiting period before another attempt, even if only one part needs to be retaken. Passing both parts leads to the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Certified qualification.
Examination Fee: $595 for TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and 2 (English)
Syllabus/Conformance Requirements: X2202
Recommended Training: An Accredited Training Course covering the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Level 1 and Level 2 conformance requirements.
Next Step: To become TOGAF certified, take the exams after training with an accredited provider or self-study and schedule the exam at a test center.
This document provides information about the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam, including the availability of open book reference materials, additional time for non-native English speakers, and the inclusion of the exam in accredited training courses. The Open Group recommends TOGAF training as an important component in certification preparation.

Master TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 OGEA-103 Exam with ExamGood

Immediate Download: In the fast-paced realm of certification, time is of the essence. ExamGood understands this urgency. Upon successful purchase, you gain instant access to download the exam questions. No waiting, no unnecessary delays—just immediate access to the resources you need to kickstart your preparation.
Variety of Formats: Every learner has unique preferences, and ExamGood respects this diversity. We offer TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner OGEA-103 exam questions in both PDF and software versions. Whether you prefer the tangible feel of printed materials or the interactive experience of software, you have the flexibility to choose the format that best suits your learning style.
Free Updates for a Year: The field of TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner is ever-evolving, with constant advancements. Staying current is essential. ExamGood provides a significant advantage by offering one year of free updates for the exam questions. This ensures that you always have access to the most up-to-date and relevant information, keeping your knowledge aligned with any changes in the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 framework.
Money-Back Guarantee: ExamGood's confidence in the effectiveness of their materials is unwavering. In the rare case that success in the exam proves elusive despite your diligent use of their resources, they offer a refund. This guarantee underscores their commitment to your success.
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OGEA-103 Exam Successfully Passed!

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