
Microsoft Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB-330

Product Description

Exam Code:MB-330

Exam Name:Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant

Q&A:394 Q&As

Updated: 03-11-2025


Embark on a journey of mastery in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management with ExamGood's MB-330 Exam. Our comprehensive study materials are designed to guide you to success, ensuring excellence as you prepare for the role of a Functional Consultant.

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ExamGood MB-330 Exam Features
Candidates for this exam are supply chain management functional consultants who design and configure Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and related tools and technologies to meet the requirements for a customer. They analyze business requirements and translate those requirements into fully realized business processes and solutions that implement industry-recommended practices. Candidates partner with architects, developers, consultants, and other stakeholders to deliver solutions that meet or exceed the needs of their customers.
Candidates implement product information management, sales and procurement processes, inventory and warehouse management, master planning, asset management, and transportation management. The passing score for the exam is 700.

Schedule exam

Exam MB-330: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant
Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil)
Retirement date: none
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: implement product information management; implement inventory management; implement and manage supply chain processes; implement warehouse and transportation management; and implement Master planning.

Skills measured

The English language version of this exam was updated on March 17, 2023. Review the study guide in the preceding “Tip” box for details about the skills measured and latest changes.
Implement product information management (20–25%)
Implement inventory and asset management (25–30%)
Implement and manage supply chain processes (15–20%)
Implement warehouse management and transportation management (15–20%)
Implement master planning (10–15%)

Ways to prepare

Configure and manage products and inventory in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure and manage procurement and vendors in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure and manage sales, and customers in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure and work with warehouse management in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Master planning in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure and work with transportation management in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Exam MB-330 resources

You can download the ExamGood Exam MB-330: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Questions immediately after a successful purchase, without any waiting time. The questions are available in both PDF and software versions. With the PDF version, you can print it directly for your convenience. The software version has no restrictions on which device you can use it on. Additionally, you will receive one year of free updates. If you want to extend the update period to two years, you can add $10 to your purchase. In the unfortunate event that you fail the exam, simply provide us with the scorecard and you will receive an immediate refund.
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MB-330 Exam Achieved!

It's hard to express how profoundly grateful I am for ExamGood's unwavering support. Their comprehensive Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-330 study materials transformed me from a struggling student to a confident exam champion.

MB-330 Exam Achieved!

ExamGood MB-330 exam materials were my secret weapon to success. Their practice tests were a true reflection of the actual exam, and I was well-prepared as a result.
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