
Microsoft Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB-240

Product Description

Exam Code:MB-240

Exam Name:Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service Functional Consultant

Q&A:196 Q&As

Updated: 03-11-2025


Prepare for success in the MB-240 Exam: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service Functional Consultant with ExamGood's expertly designed study materials. Elevate your skills in field service management and advance your career.

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ExamGood MB-240 Exam Features
Exam MB-240: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service Functional Consultant
Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service functional consultants. They are responsible for implementing solutions that manage and optimize resources which complete the field service lifecycle.
These professionals implement field service processes designed in collaboration with internal and external teams. This collaboration includes configuring the default administration areas of the Field Service application, deploying the Connected Field Service (IoT) solution and the mobile app, and implementing any additional customizations needed. They are responsible for the configuration and deployment of the Field Service app in conjunction with the core customer service application.
Candidates must know how to configure resources, characteristics, incident types, inventory integration, service agreements, resource scheduling, work orders, inspections, service tasks, field service user roles, field service settings, the Connected Field Service (IoT) solution, and the Dynamics 365 Field Service mobile app. They must also know how to customize components of the Field Service app.

Exam Purpose:

The MB-240 exam assesses a candidate's knowledge and skills in working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service to effectively address field service requirements for businesses.


There are no strict prerequisites for taking the MB-240 exam. However, candidates should have a good understanding of Microsoft Dynamics 365 fundamentals and practical experience in configuring Field Service solutions.

Exam Topics:

The English language version of this exam was updated on March 23, 2023. Review the study guide linked in the preceding "Tip" box for details about the skills measured and latest changes.
Configure field service applications (20-25%)
Manage work orders (20-25%)
Schedule and dispatch work orders (20-25%)
Manage the Dynamics 365 Field Service mobile app (5-10%)
Manage inventory and purchasing (1-5%)
Manage Connected Field Service and customer assets (5–10%)
Implement Microsoft Power Platform (5–10%)
Manage customer experiences (5–10%)

Exam Format:

The MB-240 exam typically consists of multiple-choice questions, scenario-based questions, and other question types.
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: configure field service applications; manage work orders; schedule and dispatch work orders; manage the Dynamics 365 Field Service mobile app; manage inventory and purchasing; and manage Connected Field Service and customer assets; implement Microsoft Power Platform; and manage customer experiences.

Passing Score:

The English language version of the exam was updated on March 23, 2023. Check the study guide for the latest changes. The passing score is 700. Localized versions may be updated approximately eight weeks after this date, but there may be exceptions to this schedule.

Exam Preparation:

Microsoft offers official training materials, documentation, and online resources to help candidates prepare for the MB-240 exam.
Hands-on experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service is highly recommended.

Your Source for Exam MB-240 Questions

Are you preparing for the Exam MB-240: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service Functional Consultant certification? ExamGood is here to provide you with the necessary resources to ace your exam. 
Instant Download and Multiple Formats: One of the standout features of ExamGood is the immediate download option upon purchase. As soon as you complete your transaction, you can access the exam questions without any delays. This allows you to start preparing for your Exam MB-240 right away, saving you valuable time.
ExamGood also offers the flexibility of choosing between PDF and software versions of the exam questions. Whether you prefer studying from printed materials or practicing on a computer, ExamGood has got you covered. This convenience caters to different learning styles and ensures that you can prepare for your exam in the most comfortable and effective way for you.
Free Updates and One-Year Subscription:  Keeping up with the latest updates and changes in the exam syllabus is crucial for success. ExamGood understands this, which is why they offer free updates for one year from the date of purchase. This means that you can stay updated with any modifications to the Exam MB-240 content and ensure that your preparation aligns with the current requirements.
By providing free updates, ExamGood demonstrates their commitment to helping candidates achieve their certification goals. You can rely on ExamGood to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date questions, giving you an edge in your exam preparation.
Money-Back Guarantee: ExamGood is confident in the quality of their Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB-240 exam questions and the effectiveness of their preparation materials. In the unlikely event that you fail your Exam MB-240 after using ExamGood's resources, they offer a money-back guarantee. This guarantee ensures that your investment is protected and provides you with peace of mind during your exam preparation.
The money-back guarantee reflects ExamGood's dedication to customer satisfaction and their belief in the value of their products. It is a testament to their confidence in helping candidates succeed in their certification journey.

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