iSQI Performance Testing CTFL-PT

Product Description

Exam Code:CTFL-PT

Exam Name:ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level-Performance Testing

Q&A:39 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Excel in the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level-Performance Testing (CTFL-PT) Exam with ExamGood's comprehensive resources. Prepare to become a certified expert in performance testing.

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ExamGood CTFL-PT Exam Features
Certified Tester Performance Testing (CT-PT)


The ISTQB Performance Testing (CT-PT) certification covers the key aspects of performance testing, including technical, method-based, and organizational aspects. It includes topics such as basic concepts, measurements, activities, tasks, and tools.


The Performance Testing certification is designed for individuals involved in software testing who want to expand their knowledge in performance testing or start a career in this field. It is also beneficial for those in performance engineering seeking a better understanding of performance testing. To obtain this certification, candidates must hold the Certified Tester Foundation Level certificate.

Exam Structure

This document provides information about the performance testing exam, including the number of questions, total points, passing score, and exam length. The exam consists of 40 questions, with a total of 40 points. The passing score is 26, and the exam duration is 90 minutes, with an additional 25% time allowance for non-native language speakers.

Business Outcomes

Foundation Level Performance Testing candidates who have passed the Foundation Level "Performance Testing" syllabus exam should be able to accomplish the following Business Objectives:
Understand the basic concepts of performance efficiency and performance testing;
Define performance risks, goals, and requirements to meet stakeholder needs and expectations;
Understand performance metrics and how to collect them;
Develop a performance test plan for achieving stated goals and requirements;
Conceptually design, implement, and execute basic performance tests;
Analyze the results of a performance test and state implications to various stakeholders;
Explain the process, rationale, results, and implications of performance testing to various stakeholders;
Understand categories and uses for performance tools and criteria for their selection;
Determine how performance testing activities align with the software lifecycle.

More Information

To prepare for the Performance Testing exam, training from Accredited Training Providers is recommended. Self-study using the syllabus and recommended reading material is also an option. Holders of this certification can pursue other Core, Agile, or Specialist stream certifications.

Exam Dumps

Immediate Download: Upon successful purchase, you'll have instant access to the exam questions. This allows you to start your preparation without any delay.
PDF and Software Versions: ExamGood offers both PDF and software versions of the Certified Tester Performance Testing (CT-PT) exam questions, giving you the flexibility to choose the format that aligns with your study preferences.
One-Year Free Updates: To ensure you have access to the latest information, ExamGood provides one year of free updates for Certified Tester Performance Testing (CT-PT) exam questions. This ensures you're prepared for any new or revised questions introduced during the year.
Money-Back Guarantee: In case you do not pass the exam, ExamGood provides a money-back guarantee, offering the assurance that you can request a refund if you do not achieve a passing score.
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ExamGood was my guiding star, leading me confidently through the exam jungle. Their structured CTFL-PT study materials and realistic practice tests were like the pathfinders in my journey to victory.
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