iSQI A4Q Selenium Tester CSeT-F

Product Description

Exam Code:CSeT-F

Exam Name:A4Q Certified Selenium Tester Foundation

Q&A:40 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Your path to A4Q Certified Selenium Tester Foundation success starts with ExamGood. Our comprehensive exam resources provide you with the tools you need to excel in this certification.

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ExamGood CSeT-F Exam Features
The A4Q Certified Selenium Tester Foundation Certification has been updated to include Selenium 4. The new syllabus is effective from 12th April, 2023. The previous syllabus, which covers Selenium 3, will be available until 11th April, 2024.
Selenium is an Open Source Tool for automating web browser/web application testing. Many organizations use proprietary tools from tools vendors that are integrated with Selenium so Selenium skills are very useful.
The A4Q Certified Selenium Tester Foundation certification is based on a practical training course aimed at test professionals who desire an understanding of how to design, implement and maintain automated solutions using Selenium WebDriver.

How do I obtain the A4Q Certified Selenium Tester Foundation certification information?

Board: Alliance for Qualification
Exam questions: 40
Minimum score: 26 points
Examination Time: 60 min
Time Extension: 15 min
Requirements: There are no specific requirements or required pre-certifications. Candidates should have a general knowledge of basic programming and some knowledge of Python.
Product Type: Exam
Training: Recommended to have training with an accredited training provider

What are the entry requirements?

Candidates should have a general knowledge of basic programming and some knowledge of Python.

How does this certification benefit me?

The A4Q Certified Selenium Tester Foundation Certification provides an internationally recognized proof of expertise in test automation with Selenium WebDriver. It enables individuals to create and run Selenium WebDriver tests independently, apply test automation principles, choose and implement automation tools, and implement functional web application tests with maintainable scripts.

Who is this certification for?

The A4Q Selenium Tester Foundation Certification is designed for individuals who want to validate their skills in using Selenium Test Driver for test automation. This course is suitable for beginners as well as those with GUI or non-GUI test automation experience who are new to Selenium or looking to pursue a career in Selenium automation.

What other certifications can you recommend?

Immediate Download: Upon successful purchase, you'll gain instant access to the exam questions. This ensures you can begin your preparation without any delay.
PDF and Software Versions: ExamGood offers both PDF and software versions of the exam questions. This flexibility allows you to choose the format that best suits your study preferences.
One-Year Free Updates: To keep you updated with the latest information, ExamGood provides one year of free updates for the exam questions. This means you'll have access to any new or revised questions introduced during that year.
Money-Back Guarantee: In the event that you do not pass the exam, ExamGood offers a money-back guarantee. This guarantee provides you with peace of mind, as you can request a refund if you do not achieve a passing score.

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Customer Feedback

CSeT-F Exam Mastered!

A4Q Selenium Tester CSeT-F exam is valid. I passed my CSeT-F exam today and most of the questions are from your question material. Not a really hard exam, so just go and write. Understand the whole material.

CSeT-F Exam Passed!

I am grateful to ExamGood for providing excellent CSeT-F practice questions.
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