ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist CIS-ITSM

Product Description

Exam Code:CIS-ITSM

Exam Name:Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management

Q&A:190 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Set yourself up for success in the CIS-ITSM Exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study materials. Our expert resources are designed to empower you on your journey to becoming a Certified IT Service Management Specialist. With these top-tier study materials, you'll gain the knowledge and support necessary to earn this valuable credential and advance your career in the realm of IT service management.

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Testing Engine(Software Version) $20.00 $10.00
Total     $98.00 $48.00
ExamGood CIS-ITSM Exam Features
CIS-ITSM: Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management
The Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management Exam Specification outlines the purpose, audience, exam content coverage, and prerequisites for obtaining the certification. This exam validates the candidate's skills and knowledge in configuring, implementing, and maintaining ServiceNow ITSM applications.

Target Audience

The Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management exam is open to ServiceNow customers, partners, employees, and individuals interested in becoming certified as a ServiceNow ITSM Implementation Specialist.


To prepare for the Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management exam, ServiceNow requires the completion of several prerequisite training courses, including ServiceNow Fundamentals, ServiceNow Get Started with Now Create, ServiceNow Platform Implementation, CMDB Fundamentals, IT Service Management (ITSM) Fundamentals, and IT Service Management (ITSM) Implementation.
To become a Certified Implementation Specialist in IT Service Management, it is recommended to have at least 6 months of general ServiceNow platform experience, 6 months of ServiceNow implementation experience, and a general familiarity with industry terminology.

Exam Format | Certified Implementation Specialist – IT Service Management

CIS ITSM Certifications provide opportunities for salary advancement, new positions, and professional challenges. It is important to check exam details and prerequisites before proceeding.

Exam Registration

To become a Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management, candidates need to register for the exam using a voucher obtained through ITSM implementation training. The exam can be taken at an Authorized Testing Center or as an online-proctored exam. The Kryterion testing network offers secure testing environments at various locations worldwide for the center-based exam, while the online-proctored exam allows candidates to take the test on their own system if certain requirements are met.

Course Outline: Certified Implementation Specialist – IT Service Management

To prepare for the Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management (CIS ITSM) exam, it is crucial to understand the course outline and its 6 domains. Tailoring your study plan according to the weightage of each domain will increase your chances of achieving certification.

Preparation Guide for Certified Implementation Specialist – IT Service Management

ExamGood CIS-ITSM offers a comprehensive set of exam questions specifically designed to help you prepare for the Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management exam. This exam is essential for professionals who are looking to demonstrate their expertise in IT service management.
With ExamGood CIS-ITSM, you can conveniently download the exam questions immediately after your purchase. The questions are available in both PDF and software versions, allowing you to choose the format that suits your study preferences.
What sets ExamGood CIS-ITSM apart is the commitment to providing free updates for one year. This means that as the exam content evolves, you will have access to the latest questions and ensure that your preparation aligns with the current exam requirements.
In the unfortunate event that you fail the exam, ExamGood CIS-ITSM offers a refund option. This provides you with peace of mind, knowing that your investment is protected.

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