ServiceNow Certified Application Developer CAD

Product Description

Exam Code:CAD

Exam Name:ServiceNow Certified Application Developer

Q&A:199 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for success in the ServiceNow Certified Application Developer (CAD) Exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study materials. Elevate your ServiceNow expertise and confidently approach the CAD certification, equipped with our expertly crafted resources.

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ExamGood CAD Exam Features

About this Path

Enroll in this learning path to access the prerequisite courses and exam details for ServiceNow's Certified Application Developer (CAD) exam.
Passing this exam demonstrates mastery of core ServiceNow Application Developer responsibilities and certifies that a candidate has the skills and knowledge necessary to design, develop, and move custom apps from sub-production instances to production.
The ServiceNow Certified Application Developer Exam certifies that a successful candidate has the skills and essential knowledge to develop applications to solve business problems both for their employers and for sharing with the ServiceNow ecosystem. The ServiceNow Certified Application Developer Exam is available to ServiceNow customers, Partners, sales engineers, and others interested in attaining this particular certification.


Six (6) months hands-on experience developing applications in ServiceNow. Successful candidates have application development and system administration roles and belong to groups that allow developer access to ServiceNow. General familiarity with industry terminology, acronyms, and initialisms.

Additional recommendations when preparing for the exam

In addition to taking the courses, it is recommended that candidates also have:
6+ months of hands‑on ServiceNow application development experience.


Exam questions are based on official ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site and the ServiceNow developer site. Study materials posted elsewhere online are not official, and as per ServiceNow, should not be used to prepare for the examination.
Exam Structure  
The exam consists of approximately (60) questions. For each question on the examination, there are multiple possible responses. Select the most correct answer to the question.
Exam Results and Retakes   
After completing and submitting the exam, a pass or fail result is immediately calculated and displayed to the candidate. More detailed results are not provided to the candidate. If you fail to pass an exam, you may register to take the exam again up to three more times at a cost.

ServiceNow Certified Application Developer CAD Exam Guide

ExamGood is the perfect solution for individuals preparing for the ServiceNow Certified Application Developer (CAD) Exam.
Instant Download: As soon as your purchase is successful, you can immediately download the Exam Questions. There is no need to wait for delivery or shipping.
Multiple Formats: We provide both PDF and software versions of the Exam Questions. The PDF version allows you to conveniently print the questions and study offline. On the other hand, the software version enables you to access the questions on any device without any limitations.
Free Updates for One Year: We understand that exam content and requirements are subject to change. Therefore, we offer one year of free updates to ensure that you have the latest and most relevant questions for your CAD exam preparation. Stay up-to-date and confident in your knowledge.
Extended Update Option: For just an additional $10, you can extend the updates for another year, totaling two years of free updates. This ensures that you have ample time to prepare and revise for your exam, even if there are significant changes in the exam syllabus.
Money-Back Guarantee: At ExamGood, we are committed to your success. If, unfortunately, you do not pass the CAD exam, simply provide us with your score report, and we will immediately refund your purchase. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
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