
IBM IBM Certified Administrator - WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v9.0.5 C1000-174

Product Description

Exam Code:C1000-174

Exam Name:IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v9.0.5 Administrator

Q&A:235 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood professional provides latest IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v9.0.5 Administrator C1000-174 study materials, completely covers C1000-174 exam knowledge points. With our completed C1000-174 resources, you will minimize your IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v9.0.5 Administrator cost and be ready to pass your C1000-174 exam.

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ExamGood C1000-174 Exam Features
C1000-174: IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v9.0.5 Administrator

Certification Overview

The IBM Certified System Administrator - WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V9.0.5 is an intermediate level certification for system administrators, system integrators, infrastructure architects, application architects and solutions architects. It involves tasks related to installation, configuration, and daily operations to ensure the efficient functioning of an IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment environment.
The IBM Certified System Administrator - WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V9.0.5 involves tasks related to architecture, product installation, configuration, maintenance, application management, administrative tools, security configuration, clustering, workload management, intelligent management, performance monitoring, tuning, and problem determination.

Exam Objectives

Number of questions: 65
Number of questions to pass: 44
Time allowed: 90 minutes
Status: Withdrawn
Section 1: Install and update the environment 14%
Section 2: Create a high availability configuration  9%
Section 3: Configure security  17%
Section 4: Monitor and tune the environment  9%
Section 5: Troubleshoot post-installation problems  11%
Section 6: Administer and configure the environment  20%
Section 7: Configure Intelligent Management features  6%
Section 8: Demonstrate an understanding of a multi-tier environment  6%
Section 9: Deploy and administer applications  8%

Exam Resources

All IBM certification tests presume a certain amount of "on-the-job" experience which is not present in any classroom or Web presentation. The recommended courses and links will help you gain the skill and product knowledge represented in the test objectives. They do not teach the answers to the test questions and are not intended to do so. This information may not cover all subject areas in the certification test or may contain more recent information than is present in the certification test. Taking these or any classes will not guarantee that you will achieve certification.

Recommend latest study materials.

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Available PDF and software versions: We offer two versions downloadable: PDF version and ice software. Choose a PDF version that allows for direct printing of tangible research materials. Alternatively, unlimited use of ice software versions on any device provides flexibility for your research methods.
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