
IBM IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Maximo Manage v8.0 C1000-132

Product Description

Exam Code:C1000-132

Exam Name:IBM Maximo Manage v8.0 Implementation

Q&A:64 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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ExamGood C1000-132 Exam Features
Exam C1000-132: IBM Maximo Manage v8.0 Implementation

Certification Overview

An IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Maximo Manage v8.0 is a technical professional who is responsible for designing and implementing a deployment of IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage v8.0. They can perform these tasks independently with limited assistance.
Key areas of competency:
Maximo Application Suite Overview
Platform Configuration
Core data creation and usage
Functionality of Maximo Manage Add-ons and industry solution

Recommended Skills

Working knowledge of IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage v8.0 infrastructure components 
Working knowledge of relational databases and SQL (DB2, Oracle and SQL Server) 
Working knowledge of security (SSL, data encryption, system user accounts, directory servers) 
Working knowledge of protocols including HTTP, SMTP and LDAP 
Working knowledge of IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage v8.0 integration configuration 
Working knowledge of IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage v8.0 reporting configuration 
Working knowledge of Configuration tools (for example Migration Manager, Application Designer, Integration, Workflow Designer)
Basic knowledge of Red Hat OpenShift 


Exam Objectives

The IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Maximo Manage v8.0 exam consists of 64 questions and requires a passing score of 42. The exam assesses the individual's knowledge and experience in fulfilling their role with the product or solution. The time allowed for the exam is 90 minutes.

Exam Resources

ExamGood is here to help you prepare effectively for the IBM Maximo Manage v8.0 Implementation exam. Once you complete your purchase, you can instantly download the exam materials. You have the option to choose between PDF and software versions, making it easier for you to study in your preferred format.
What sets ExamGood apart is their commitment to providing one-year free updates. This ensures that you have access to the latest C1000-132 exam questions and content, keeping you well-prepared for any changes or developments in the IBM Maximo Manage v8.0 Implementation exam.
In the unfortunate event of not passing the exam, ExamGood offers an immediate refund. This demonstrates their confidence in the quality and effectiveness of their C1000-132 exam materials. With ExamGood, you can have peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected.
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