
IBM IBM Certified Associate Developer - Quantum Computation using Qiskit v0.2X C1000-112

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Exam Code:C1000-112

Exam Name:Fundamentals of Quantum Computation Using Qiskit v0.2X Developer

Q&A:250 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


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Exam C1000-112: Fundamentals of Quantum Computation Using Qiskit v0.2X Developer

Certification Overview

An IBM Qiskit Developer is proficient in quantum computing concepts and can use the Qiskit SDK to create and execute quantum computing programs on IBM Quantum computers and simulators.
Key areas of competency:    
Defining, executing, and visualizing results of quantum circuits using the Qiskit SDK
Understanding single-qubit gates and their rotations on the Bloch sphere.
Understanding various multi-qubit gates and their effects in quantum circuits.
Leveraging fundamental Qiskit SDK features including commonly-used classes and functions located in qiskit.circuit, qiskit.execute, qiskit.providers, qiskit.qasm, qiskit.quantum_info, qiskit.tools, and qiskit.visualization packages.

Recommended Skills

Working knowledge of creating, executing, and visualizing the results quantum of circuits using the online IBM Quantum Composer  
Working knowledge of developing examples that highlight features of the Qiskit SDK, such as those found in the online IBM Quantum Lab  
Working knowledge of modeling quantum states and evolution with complex vectors and matrices.
Working knowledge of Pauli matrices.
Working knowledge of quantum state measurement probabilities.
Familiarity with common circuits such as those that result in the Bell states.


Exam C1000-112: Fundamentals of Quantum Computation Using Qiskit v0.2X Developer

Exam Objectives

An IBM Qiskit Developer is proficient in quantum computing concepts and can use the Qiskit SDK to create and execute quantum computing programs on IBM Quantum computers and simulators using Python.
The IBM Certified Associate Developer - Quantum Computation using Qiskit v0.2X involves defining, executing, and visualizing results of quantum circuits using the Qiskit SDK. It requires understanding of single-qubit and multi-qubit gates, their rotations and effects in quantum circuits. The certification also leverages fundamental Qiskit SDK features including commonly-used classes and functions across various packages.
During exam development, the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) define all of the tasks, knowledge and experience that an individual would need in order to successfully fulfill their role with the product or solution. These are represented by the objectives below and the questions on the certification exam are based upon these objective.
Number of questions: 60
Number of questions to pass: 44
Time allowed: 90 minutes
Status: Live
Section 1: Perform Operations on Quantum Circuits    47%
Section 2: Executing Experiments    3%
Section 3: Implement BasicAer: Python-based Simulators    3%
Section 4: Implement Qasm    1%
Section 5: Compare and Contrast Quantum Information    10%
Section 6: Return the Experiment Results    7%
Section 7: Use Qiskit Tools    1%
Section 8: Display and Use System Information    3%
Section 9: Construct Visualizations    19%
Section 10: Access Aer Provider    6%

Advantages of ExamGood Quantum Computation using Qiskit v0.2X C1000-112 Exam Questions

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