
IBM IBM Systems: Storage Software C1000-088

Product Description

Exam Code:C1000-088

Exam Name:IBM Spectrum Storage Solution Architect V2

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


Prepare for success in the IBM C1000-088 exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study materials for Spectrum Storage Solution Architect V2. Achieve your certification goals efficiently and confidently.

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 PDF(Printable Version) $98.00 $ 48.00
Testing Engine(Software Version) $20.00 $10.00
Total     $98.00 $48.00
ExamGood C1000-088 Exam Features
An IBM Certified Solution Architect for Spectrum Storage V2 is capable of designing and creating an architecture using IBM Spectrum Storage solutions with storage software experience, requiring minimal assistance from support or documentation.

Key areas of competency include: 

The IBM Certified Solution Architect for Spectrum Storage V2 should have knowledge of the solution components and architectural principles, the ability to evaluate customer needs and create a solution architecture, knowledge of tools and methodologies, provide software-defined storage recommendations, and understand how licensing and utility offerings can affect the proposed solution.

Recommended Skills

The IBM Certified Solution Architect for Spectrum Storage V2 requires basic knowledge of industry software-defined storage principles, IT architecture, and working knowledge of IBM Spectrum Storage products, including modern data protection, AI & big data, and hybrid multi-cloud. The certification also requires working knowledge of IBM sales tools and the IBM hardware stack, including FlashSystem, DS8000, SAN Volume Controller, Elastic Storage System, and tape.
Requirements: Exam C1000-088: IBM Spectrum Storage Solution Architect V2

Exam Objectives

The IBM Spectrum Storage Solution Architecture V2 exam tests a candidate on designing, planning and creating an architecture with IBM Spectrum Storage solutions. The exam consists of 60 questions, with a passing threshold of 34 questions, and a time limit of 90 minutes.
SECTION 1:  Plan for an IBM Spectrum Storage Solution Design
SECTION 2: Features and Capabilities of IBM Spectrum Storage Products
SECTION 3:  Solving Client Challenges with Spectrum Solutions / Use Cases

Exam Preparation

Preparing for an IT certification exam can be a daunting task, especially if you don't have access to quality study materials. This is where ExamGood.com comes in, we will review the ExamGood Exam C1000-088 study materials.
PDF and Software Versions
One of the great things about ExamGood is that they offer their study materials in both PDF and software versions. This means that you can access the study materials on your computer, smartphone, or tablet, making it easy to study on the go. Additionally, the software version includes a practice exam feature, which simulates the actual exam environment and helps you get a feel for the types of questions you can expect on the exam.
One Year Free Updates
Another great feature of ExamGood's Exam C1000-088 study materials is that they offer one year of free updates. This means that if there are any changes to the exam content or format within a year of your purchase, ExamGood will update their study materials accordingly. This ensures that you have the most up-to-date and accurate study materials available.
Money-Back Guarantee
ExamGood is so confident in the quality of their Exam C1000-088 study materials that they offer a money-back guarantee. If you purchase their study materials and fail the exam, they will refund your money. This demonstrates their commitment to providing high-quality study materials and ensuring their customers' success.
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