
IBM IBM Certified System Administrator - MQ V9.1 C1000-058

Product Description

Exam Code:C1000-058

Exam Name:IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration

Q&A:188 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood IBM C1000-058 preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your C1000-058 certification exam. Download the latest IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration C1000-058 certification exam.

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ExamGood C1000-058 Exam Features
C1000-058: IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration

Certification Overview

This intermediate level certification is for system administrators who have extensive product knowledge and are expected to plan, install, configure and maintain the product. 
These system administrators perform day-to-day administration activities which cover:
1. Planning, Installation and Migration
2. Configuration
3. Security
4. Administration
5. Availability
6. Monitoring
7. Performance Tuning
8. Problem Determination
It is expected that this system administrator will be generally self-sufficient and be able to perform the tasks involved in the role with limited assistance from peers, product documentation and vendor support services. 
Due to the various platforms supported by IBM MQ V9.1, this certification is a cross platform certification. There are platform specific questions on the certification test. Due to the timing of the Continuous Delivery and Long Term Support availability on the appliance, questions related to MQ Appliance reflect version 9.1.

Recommended Skills

Knowledge and foundational skills one needs to possess before acquiring skills measured on the certification test. These foundational skills are NOT measured on the test. For skills measured on the test, see Test Objectives.)
Working knowledge of IBM MQ on supported operating systems (e.g., AIX, Solaris, IBM i, Linux, z/OS, Windows) 
Working knowledge of security concepts and protocols
Good understanding of messaging concepts 
Basic knowledge of operating MQ Explorer
Basic knowledge of networking concepts
Basic knowledge on systems infrastructure and Docker


Exam Objectives

Number of questions: 66
Number of questions to pass: 45
Time allowed: 90 minutes
Status: Live
Section 1: Administration  17%
Section 2: Availability  11%
Section 3: Configuration  21%
Section 4: Monitoring  8%
Section 5: Performance Tuning  5%
Section 6: Planning, Installation, and Migration  15%
Section 7: Problem Determination  8%
Section 8: Security  15%

Benefits of ExamGood C1000-058 Questions 

Download Immediately After Purchase: ExamGood Exam C1000-058: IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration Questions can be instantly downloaded right after your purchase. There's no waiting period, so you can begin your study immediately. This maximizes your study time and efficiency.
Offered in PDF and Software Formats: The ExamGood Exam C1000-058: IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration Questions come in PDF and software versions. You can print the PDF version for traditional studying, while the software version is usable on any device. This offers flexible learning methods to suit your needs.
One-Year Free Update Included: With the purchase of ExamGood Exam C1000-058: IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration Questions, you'll receive a one-year free update. Any updates or changes to the questions are included for a year, making sure you have the latest materials. For an additional 10 dollars, you can extend the update period to two years, keeping you up-to-date with the latest C1000-058 study materials.
Refund Assurance if Exam is Failed: If you fail the Exam C1000-058: IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration exam, send in your score report for an immediate refund. This shows ExamGood's confidence in their material and provides an added safeguard for users.
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