
IBM IBM Certified Solution Implementer - DataPower Gateway v7.6 C1000-005

Product Description

Exam Code:C1000-005

Exam Name:IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6 Solution Implementation

Q&A:86 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood professional provides latest IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6 Solution Implementation C1000-005 study materials, completely covers C1000-005 exam knowledge points.

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C1000-005: IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6 Solution Implementation

Certification Overview

This intermediate level certification is intended for solution implementers who are responsible for developing, governing, configuring, troubleshooting and deploying solutions using IBM DataPower Gateway. This includes all form factors of the offering.
These solution implementers are able to configure IBM DataPower Gateway to:     
Secure access to mobile, web and legacy applications
Integrate heterogeneous systems
Provide centralized service governance and policy enforcement
These solution implementers are also required to have conceptual understanding of the IBM DataPower Gateway's optional modules and are generally self-sufficient and able to perform most of the tasks involved in the role with limited assistance.
To attain the IBM Certified Solution Implementer - DataPower Gateway V7.6 certification, candidates must pass 1 test. To prepare for the test, it is recommended to refer to the job role description and recommended prerequisite skills, and click the link to the test below to refer to the Test Objectives and the Test Preparation tabs.

Recommended Prerequisite Skills        

Knowledge and foundational skills one needs to possess before acquiring skills measured on the certification test. These foundational skills are NOT measured on the test. For skills measured on the test, see Test Objectives.
Basic knowledge of:       
Networking (TCP/IP, DNS, load balancing, packet tracing and failover) 
PKI (Digital certificates, Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL), SSL) 
Transports (IMS Connect, IBM MQ, JMS, FTP, SFTP, and HTTP) 
Web services (SOAP, WSDL, and WS-Policy) 
Web services security (WS-Security, XML encryption, and XML digital signature) 
Identity management software and protocols (Kerberos, LDAP, OAuth, JWT, and SAML) 
SOA Governance (web services management and registries) 
Data mapping and transformations 
DevOps (SNMP, SysLog, CI, CD, etc)
Enterprise Architecture (Cloud, SOA, and Enterprise Security)
JavaScript ECMA Script 5.1
Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) syntax


Exam Objectives

Number of questions: 64
Number of questions to pass: 47
Time allowed: 90 minutes
Section 1: Administration and Operational Architecture    17%
Section 2: Architecture and Planning Basic Configuration   17%
Section 3: Governance Scenarios   6%
Section 4: Integration and Basic Service Scenarios   24%
Section 5: Security Scenarios   17%
Section 6: Troubleshooting   19%

Benefits of ExamGood IBM C1000-005 Exam Questions

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Refund Policy: If you unfortunately fail the exam, ExamGood offers a prompt refund upon submission of the exam score. This policy reflects their commitment to customer satisfaction and confidence in the quality of their C1000-005: IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6 Solution Implementation exam preparation materials.
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